Reference no: EM132613627
Energy Analysis Techniques Module Assignment
Implementing Energy Saving Measures
The assessment of the Energy Analysis Techniques module consists of two groups of items of individual student work:
• Assignment A: Energy Efficiency Proposal
• Assignment B: The preparation of technical report on the opportunities for implementing energy saving measures as a result of your analysis of energy related time series data for one building.
Assignment B:
Technical Report: Implementing Energy Saving Measures
You are required to analyse the energy related time series data from a non domestic building and to produce a technical report identifying the energy saving opportunities.
This will be:
One DeMontfort University Building from the list provided. Energy data will be provided, but your task is to visit the public areas of the building, and conduct your own brief ‘walk through' energy survey, to look for any energy saving opportunities.
DeMontfort University Buildings
You will conduct a basic ‘walk through' energy survey, pay attention to the building upkeep, construction, and any factors you can see which may affect energy use.
Follow the safety procedure at all times.
You may take photographs if you wish, but sketches will be treated as equally valid when marking.
Based on the information available for each building you will produce a technical report describing the potential energy saving opportunities. The data is "real" data and may contain small gaps. This report will contain the relevant graphs etc that describe your approach and your findings.
Data will include degree day data, electricity, gas, water (only where the data are relevant to certain sites) and for at least a twelve-month period. This data will be based on half hourly data from the buildings.
You should draw conclusions from analysing the data, i.e. what features are of interest? Why? You should also take note of other information about the building to identify the most appropriate recommendations for further action.
The report should describe the analysis techniques and the results obtained for all the buildings. This report is designed for the energy manager responsible for the buildings that you have investigated. That is, it should be a technical report and give the reader confidence in your analysis techniques.
The technical report should demonstrate that you meet all of the learning outcomes listed below:
Learning outcomes
Successful completion of this coursework will demonstrate:
• Systematic understanding and critical awareness of the concept of the degree day and it use by energy managers.
• Ability to analyse time series data and identify potential energy saving opportunities using regression based analysis techniques.
• Critical evaluation of how monthly and half hourly data can analysed.
• Ability to communicate in a clear, concise and appropriate style for a postgraduate technical report.
1. Your assignment should take the form of a technical report suitable for a building manager.
2. This may include an executive summary at the beginning of the document (typically between one half to two pages maximum) describing the measures proposed.
3. This should also include a separate section outlining the energy efficiency measures proposed (as opposed to throughout the analysis section). Please include all diagrams and graphs within the main body of the text.
4. The basis for any merits or deficiencies that you find in the analysis technique used should be logical argument proceeding from observed fact, where possible.
5. In practice, certain facts are often not at your disposal. It is important, then, that you justify any assertions that you make very carefully, and provide a balanced view (‘for' and ‘against') whenever absolute certainty is unavailable.
The unsubstantiated statement of personal opinion has no place in the technical report, and will be penalised during assessment. However,
you may wish to highlight instances where in your judgement, with reference to the extent of current knowledge and understanding, some courses of action would appear to be desirable. For example, certain practices or policies may appear to be capable of improvement if modified to take account of empirical findings or theoretical models. Or further research of particular types may be desirable to expand our knowledge or to reduce uncertainties.
6. All text in the submitted document excluding references and excluding appendices must consist of 3000 words or less. Images are not to be used for including extra blocks of text. State the total number of words used at the end of your essay.
7. Since larger graphics make for ease of marking and better presentation, a page limit is not included in the marking scheme, although please try not to exceed 25 pages.
8. Assessment will be based on the extent to which the learning outcomes listed above have been met, with respect to the marking scheme below.
Attachment:- Implementing Energy Saving Measures.rar