Implementing a pseudocode of quicksort algorithm

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM132661736

Question 1. Present a formal mathematical proof that an even split of an array into two subarrays results in the best performance of the quicksort algorithm (evaluated with respect to the running time). (No coding or empirical investigation required. Theoretical analysis only.)

Question 2. You have received a program implementing a pseudocode of the quicksort algorithm given on page 171 of the 3rd edition of the textbook. You can run this program but you don't have access to its code and you are not allowed to modify it. You only have access to an array to be sorted. The objective is to sort a set of numbers given in this array by applying the program you have received. Can you optimize time needed for this sorting process? If so, when and how? If your answer is positive, theoretically justify it, and support your solution with empirical results. Collect and analyze them. Report your observations and conclusions. In your report include listings of source codes of all the programs you need to produce your empirical results.

Reference no: EM132661736

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