Implementing a change control process

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Reference no: EM133396141

Question: Recently, a bedside nurse requested a change to a section of the nursing documentation. An IT Analyst quickly made the change, but neither the requesting nurse nor the IT Analyst realized that the documentation was shared with the respiratory therapy team. This caused a major disruption in the respiratory department as they temporarily lost the ability to chart some patient data elements. The IT?Helpdesk?begins to receive numerous calls regarding this system issue. After several hours, the change was backed out and restored to its prior state.? IT Leadership determined that change management policies and procedures must be in place to mitigate the risk of this scenario from occurring in the future.? What are some recommendations and rationale for implementing a change control process including: Change management policies and procedures, Details on change control meetings, and Communicating changes to end-users.

Reference no: EM133396141

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