Reference no: EM133768070
The number of cases that have surfaced in Fiji about illicit drugs is alarming. According to the Fiji Police Force, 768 cases have been recorded only in 6 months in 2024 and the cases go up each day. The most captured and drug-related cases are of marijuana and methamphetamine. According to Fiji's Home Minister (Pio Tikoduadua), he states, "Fiji's drug issue a 'battle we must fight on all fronts" and the minister also stated that "A new narcotics and drugs bureau will be established to deal with a surge in drug trafficking cases and crimes in Fiji after police seized millions of dollars in raids and health authorities recorded an increase in HIV-AIDS cases linked to drug use".
Position on Topic
Fiji is a developing country yet it has managed to solve all the possible cases relating to illicit drugs. Fiji's Home Minister has put forward the idea of opening a new narcotics and drugs bureau to help in decreasing the number of illicit drug trafficking in Fiji, this initiative shows that the government of Fiji is taking steps forward to put a stop to illicit drug trafficking.
1. Fiji Illicit Drugs Act 2004
As noticed not much has been amended in the act since 2004 a bit was amended in 2022, nothing after that. In order, to prevent or reduce the number of drug cases, I think it's about time Fiji made drastic changes to the 2004 Drugs Act. Maybe through intense changes, the cases might drop.
2. Implementation of the new Narcotic and Drugs Bureau
I agree, that the implementation of the new bureau, is going to help in decreasing the number of drug cases in Fiji, but the question is how are all these drugs in the first point entering Fiji or where is this coming from, I know the implementation is going to tackle the problem and help reduce it but Drugs is a matter which is of serious matter ways should be found out in not just reducing it but putting a permanent stop to it.
Questions for Discussion
1. What step has fiji taken in recent years to help decrease the number of illicit drug cases? Please provide examples to support your discussion.
2. If you were given a chance to make amendments to your Fiji's drug act (if any) which act would you amend and how would you do it?