Implementation of project management methodologies

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131604962

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)

In-depth analysis of common issues that program/project managers often face in organisations that lack a culture that supports implementation of project management methodologies.

Purpose of the assessment:

Project management problems can occur when project management methodologies are not implemented successfully across organisations. In this assessment task, you are required to write a report on the current project management issues in the following case-study, in 800 to 1000 words exclusive of references.


Rapid prototyping has been a constant growing and evolving field since the late 1980s. As technology improved, so did the opportunities in new markets. The idea quickly evolved from its grassroots beginning to many small companies competing for a bigger share of the growing market.

Frank Billings was just another name in what was at that time a niche market. As a student in engineering school, he followed the development of the new prototyping techniques and realized their potential in the marketplace. His dream job was to work for a rapid prototype equipment manufacturer. There were only a few start - up companies in rapid prototype machine development, however, and none could pay the average engineer wage.

Like most engineering school graduates overloaded with school loans, he couldn't wait for his dream job to come along, so he went for a job at Cocable Company. Cocable designed and manufactured specialty cable and cable - related products. It had nothing to do with rapid prototyping, but it paid well. He worked hard at Cocable and earned enough to pay down his debts. He proved to be an excellent engineer, earning a great reputation at Cocable and making many contacts along the way. In those three years at Cocable, however, he never stopped thinking about rapid prototype machines. He spent his free time coming up with a rapid prototype machine design, always dreaming of having his own company. Three years in, he was ready. He quit Cocable and started his own rapid prototype (RP) design business. He perfected his own RP machine design and was ready to prove himself in the growing field.


Like every start - up business in a new field, finding customers is tough. In the RP field, there are two types of work. The first includes owning an RP machine and doing prototypes per order. The second is selling RP machines to businesses that want the machine to do in - house RP. The latter option is far more profitable since the machines are more expensive than each prototype they produce. Frank would have been happy with either type of business, since at the time, he wasn't doing much business at all.

All those years making contacts at Cocable Company proved to be worth the time and effort. He had stayed in touch with these contacts and through them was happy to learn that Cocable had just been hired by GE to design and manufacture cable installations on their newest jet engine. Part of the wiring installation that Cocable had been hired to design included junction boxes and switch covers. The installation would be no simple task as these " boxes " are made of specialty materials with complex shapes and multiple designs, all needed for application. They had to be perfect from the start since airplane engines have no room for error. This was a huge job and the timeline was tight. Rapid prototypes were an absolute necessity for this job. Frank's knowledge of Cocable's needs made him perfect for the RP job.
Cocable wanted full access to rapid prototyping so they decided to contract Frank to custom build four RP machines to their specifications. Frank could not be happier. The RP machine specs were given to Frank and he went to work.


After three months of all - night work sessions, the machines were built to specification and ready for delivery to Cocable. Frank ' s daring steps into a new field were fully rewarded, he thought.
Everyone was ready for a test run, after the first machine was delivered to Cocable. The CAD model was loaded and it was time to hit the "Start" button.

Beep, beep, beep.

"That's not good, " said Frank.

He felt embarrassed that the machine failed in front of everyone. He was sure the machine ran fine before it was delivered. He couldn't allow his first major deal to fail in any way. The machine was checked over for shipping damages. The connections were double - checked. Everything appeared intact. Frank sat down to review the CAD model and discovered the problem. The model was 62 inches long. This was an issue, considering the RP machines were designed for a maximum of 55 inches.

The original Cocable specs for Frank's RP machines were for a maximum length of 48 inches. Frank optimized his machines for a length of 48 inches, but to be on the safe side, the machines were capable of 55 - inch designs. Sixty - two inches went outside that range. A machine that could make prototypes that long would require completely different processors, actuators, and adhesion processes. This would be a major redesign of the RP machines. This would take time and a lot of money.

Cocable claims that the original specs for a maximum of 48 inches came from GE. GE claims that it never gave Cocable a maximum length. The first design that GE requested from Cocable was 62 inches long and that had been weeks before. Cocable should have double - checked their RP specs. Nobody wants to take the blame for specifying the prototype design sizes and Frank's first major product is now going nowhere. Everyone is dissatisfied and two things are for sure: (1) The entire project is running late, and (2) it will be way over budget.

You are a Project Management consultant, and have been commissioned to write a report on this case. Write the report to address the following questions.

Questions to be addresses in the report:

1. What lessons can be learnt from this case?

2. Who do you think should pay for the changes?

3. What could have been done to make sure that the project scope was correct?

Verified Expert

This assignment is prepared in the format of a report. The solution has focused on the problem of project management methodologies during the case study analysis. All the questions given in the attachment has been answered along with the format required to be followed in the marking rubric. The solution has been referenced completely using the IEEE referencing style as per the requirements.

Reference no: EM131604962

Questions Cloud

Gravity and the upward support of the floor : Consider the two forces acting on a person who stands still, the downward pull of gravity and the upward support of the floor.
Evaluate the radius of the water : The water level drops at a rate of 0.1 cm per hour. At what rate is the radius of the water decreasing when the depth is 5 cm?
Find the current in the primary : Find the current in the primary for a stepdown tansformer that changes the 768 kV primary to 69 kv, 1000A for distribution.
Distance between mark and th swimming pool : If no air resistance what is the horizontal distance between mark and th swimming pool.
Implementation of project management methodologies : Project management problems can occur when project management methodologies are not implemented successfully across organisations.
At what rate does the radius of the base increase : Sand falls from a hopper at a rate of 0.1 cubic meters per hour and forms a conical pile beneath. If the side of the cone makes an angle of p/6 radians.
Maximum mutual inductance coefficient : If the current varies by as much as 3 A/s, what is the maximum mutual inductance coefficient that is acceptable?
Determine the magnitude of the magnetic field : Determine the magnitude of the magnetic field at (0,4.7m) due to this wire.
Applying gauss law : By applying Gauss' Law (pill box) show that the electric field is normal to the surface ( That is, the tangential component cannot exist)



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8/19/2017 12:49:52 AM

Conclusion Logic is clear and Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is easy to follow with logical and consistent cohesion and confused and /5 strong arguments convincing logical and conviction disjointed convincing Reference style Clear styles with Clear Generally good Sometimes Lacks excellent source of referencing referencing clear consistency /5 references. style style referencing with many style errors


8/19/2017 12:49:38 AM

Analyse Logic is clear and Consistency Mostly Adequate Argument is easy to follow with logical and consistent cohesion and confused and /10 strong arguments convincing logical and conviction disjointed convincing Design All elements are Components Components Most Proposal lacks present and very present with present and components structure. /10 well integrated. good mostly well present cohesive integrated Evaluate/justific Excellent use of Extremely Good effort Made some Very little ation creditable sources. good effort made but not effort. For attempt to Accurate outstanding example, Web reference. Lazy referencing. searches only effort with /5 Obvious that inaccuracies outstanding effort made


8/19/2017 12:49:28 AM

Example Marking Rubric for Assignment #: Total Marks 50 Note: The marking rubrics varies for each assignment Grade Mark HD 40-50 DI 35-44 CR 30-34 P 25-29 Fail <25 Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Introduction /5 All topics are pertinent and covered in depth. Ability to think critically and source material is demonstrated Topics are relevant and soundly analysed. Generally relevant and analysed. Some relevance and briefly presented. This is not relevant to the assignment topic. Identification Demonstrated Demonstrat Demonstrated Demonstrated Did not excellent ability to ed excellent ability to think ability to think demonstrate /10 think critically and ability to critically and critically and did ability to think sourced reference think sourced not source critically and material critically but reference reference did not source appropriately did not material material reference source appropriately appropriately material reference appropriately material appropriatel y


8/19/2017 12:49:24 AM

hii please make my assighnment Marking criteria: You must use the section heading given in the following marking criteria, and sub-heading as appropriate for your answer. Marking criteria: Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks Introduction Executive summary and background of the case study 5 Case Study Assessment List, and analyse the project management problems and their possible causes. 20 Recommendations What should have been done to avoid the above problems? 10 Conclusion A summary of the report, and the main conclusion. 5 Reference style Follow IEEE reference style 5 Total 45

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