Reference no: EM13953 , Length: 69
Since times immemorial, security of data to maintain its confidentiality, proper access control, integrity and availability has been a major issue in data communication.
This project report envelops:-
1. Introduction:-
- Existing system
- Scope of the project
2. Basic concepts
3. What is Cryptography?
4. Conventional encryption models
5. Cryptanalysis
6. Classical encryption techniques
7. Substitution techniques
8. Caesar cipher
9. Mono-alphabetic cipher
10. Poly-alphabetic cipher
11. Transposition techniques
12. Rail fence technique
13. Steganography
14. Byte
15. Bit operations
16. Buffered image
17. Image IO
18. Graphics 2D
19. Writable Raster
20. Data bufferbyte
21. Operating environment
22. Hardware software requirements
23. Java virtual Machine
24. JAVA GUI-Swing v/s AWT
25. Most choose between Swing and AWT
26. AWT & Swis class hierarchy
27. AWT advantage
28. The Event class hierarchy in JAVA
29. Analysis design
30. Data flow diagram
31. Data flow notation
32. Input Output screens
33. Coding
34. Main output frames
35. Conclusion
36. Bibliography