Implementation of database systems in organizations

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133105897

Part A

Question 1. What are the security implications of implementation of database systems in organizations, and how can they be addressed?

Question 2. Explain the term ACID as used in database systems.

Question 3. Construct ER Diagram for hospital with a set of patients and a set of medical doctors. Associate with each patient a log of the various tests and examination conducted. State any assumptions that you have made.

1948_ER Diagram.jpg


Question 4. Explain THREE different cardinalities between entities, showing the constraints that may exist. Use Question 3 (a) to illustrate.

Question 5. What is type check constraint as used in DBMS? Explain with examples.

Part B

Question 1: Explain the following the term integrity constraints as used in DBMS. Give suitable examples.

Section B

1. Write SQL statements to perform the following tastes

Customer table



First Name


















2. Select customer table.

3. Retrieve last name and first name where city is Nairobi

• To update address and city where PID = 3.

4. To insert a row with (4, Mike, John, 243, Embu).

5. What is a table in 3NF?

Reference no: EM133105897

Questions Cloud

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Implementation of database systems in organizations : What are the security implications of implementation of database systems in organizations, and how can they be addressed
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