Implementation of a common sorting algorithm

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132274689


For this project, you have been tasked to read a text file with student grades and perform several operations with them. First, you must read the file, loading the student records. Each record (line) contains the student's identification number and then four of the student's numerical test grades. Your application should find the average of the four grades and insert them into the same array as the id number and four grades. I suggest using a 5th array position to hold the computed average. Once the file has been read and the averages calculated and stored in the array, you must sort the list by grade in descending order. Finally, the records should be printed to screen in descending final grade order with statistics at the end of the file for the class average, highest and lowest grades. We will cover the aspects you need to complete this project over the next 3-4 weeks.


• Use of the FILE* and file functions.
• Use of functions to include the passing of arrays and or array elements.
• Implementation of a common (bubble sort) sorting algorithm.
• Display formatted output using input/output statements.
• Use format control strings to format text output.
• Use C data types.


Your program should make use of the following functions.

1. A function to read the file into an array of arrays. This function should take an empty multi-dimensional array from the caller. The function should ask the user for the name of the file. You may assume the file name entered will be accurate and accessible. You may omit this requirement and hard code the path to the file. You will be given a test file (shown below). I suggest hard coding the filename while you develop your project to save typing it over and over while you test.

2. A function to compute the grade for each array/record. This function should access the array and average the test grades, inserting the final average into the last position for each record as a float.

3. A function to sort the array of arrays by final grade in descending order (highest grade first). This function should take the entire array.

4. A function to print out the results of the operation to screen calculating the required totals and formatting the output appropriately. This function should take the entire array as well.

Your program is expected to only deal with fractional values. Therefore, you are required to use a multi-dimensional array of type float or double.

Your program will not have to resize your array; you may hard code the size of the array using a constant (#define). The test files will have 10 records/students, a student number followed by 4 grades. You may not use any global variables save for the use of a constant for array size if you wish as shown often in some examples.

Reference no: EM132274689

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4/4/2019 2:12:37 AM

This is a course capstone project, whereby you may use the tools, lessons and modules that we have examined to process a text data file. Many of the functionality in this project have been demonstrated in the modules, such as the bubble sort. You can use those code samples. I will be looking for copied assignments using plagiarism tools, please do your own code/work. You may seek assistance and guidance but this is to make sure you have the skills to move on in the computing major.

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