Reference no: EM133086357
Having discussed the question of outsourcing versus in-house solutions for Dirt Bikes, in the Dirt Bikes case study, it is time for you to come to your own conclusions. Address the questions below from your own perspective, but use the collective information and wisdom from your group. Your assignment is intended to document your understanding of important concepts as well as your ability to improve your thinking through discussion with others, which often happens in the workplace. You should properly cite the research you've done. You can use general information shared in the group discussion without citation. If you use a particularly unique idea submitted by another classmate, just cite as follows: (Firstname Lastname, personal communication).
-Summarize the software and hardware needed to implement the proposed system, as well as the resources necessary to use and manage the system.
-Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of Dirt Bikes purchasing and maintaining hardware, software, and data storage, owning and managing all functions themselves.
-Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing all functions.
-What things should Dirt Bikes management consider in making their decision?
-What course of action do you recommend for Dirt Bikes? Justify your recommendation.