Implement the program to see the value in planning first

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131565497

Overview: This assignment will allow you to use pseudocode to implement the program to see the value in planning first, coding later. While coding is the glamorous part of the job, software development is a process with many steps. The program itself will focus on operators to complete an equation.

Prompt: Before completing this assignment, be sure to review the Module Two resources. Use the Guide to Pseudocode document to write out the pseudocode for the given problem:

Imagine that you are a merchant and need to keep better tabs on your merchandise to know when to reorder supplies. First, write out pseudocode, and then create a program to help you by accomplishing the following tasks:

Use command line interface to ask the user to input the following. (You will need to convert this from a string to an integer.)
? How many apples are on hand
? How many apples should be in stock
? How many oranges are on hand
? How many oranges should be in stock
Perform an operation to determine how many of each item should be ordered to maintain the stock. Use command line interface to output the number of apples and oranges that need to be ordered.

Once you have the program laid out, build it by creating a functional program. Use your pseudocode as a guide. Be sure to remember the following important items:

Follow the style guidelines found in ZyBooks asyou develop. Use commenting to describe the code.
Practice debugging if you encounter errors.

Ensure your program performs its intended function. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Documentation: Pseudocode: Break down the problem statement into programming terms through creation of pseudocode following the guidelines provided in the course.

II. Functioning Code: Produce fully functioning code (a code that producesno errors) that aligns with the accompanying annotations.

III. Code Results: Results are properly generated.
A. Code results generate accurate output.
B. Code results produce results that are streamlined, efficient, and error free.

IV. Comments: All code should be well-commented. This is a practiced art that requires striking a balance between commenting everything, which adds a great deal of unneeded noise to the code, and commenting nothing.
A. Explain the purpose of lines or sections of your code, detailing the approach and method the programmer took to achieve a specific task in the code.

V. Style and Structure: Part of the lesson to be learned in this course is how to write code that is clearly readable and formatted in an organized manner.
A. Develop logically organized code that can be modified and maintained.
B. Utilize proper syntax, style, and language conventions and best practices.

Reference no: EM131565497

Questions Cloud

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