Implement the program by using

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM13936524

Program to implement the program by using VB.NET ( website)

they have to consider the below points:

1- Draw all the diagrams which need it in the assignment by using smart draw program.

2- the diagrams should match with the system

3- the design should be same as this website (

4- all the function should work

5- check the chapter for more details, all the chapters should match with program.

6- login screen need it in the program for the ( employee and jobseekers)

7- Confirmation by email after the jobseekers apply for a job

8- error massage for the wrong entry

9- If the jobseekers ably for a job that he or she not match with the job requirement the system should not accept his apply by showing to him error massage.

10- employee can add, modify and delete job by log in there accounts.

11- employee can generate reports

12- jobseekers can search for the job by Specialization or field.

13- jobseekers they can not apply for any job without register firstly.

Reference no: EM13936524

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