Implement the polyhedron interface

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131010764

This program needs to be done in a C++ software, the details are in the file.

1. The Problem

This assignment deals with a program takes three types of Polyhedra from an input file and constructs the appropriate objects. These Polyhedra types are:


The former two of these items are read as Polyhedra objects. A Composite Polyhedron is composed of one or more Polyhedra. The provided operator>> in Polyhedron.h

handles this mapping (through the PolyhedronFactory class). All three classes implement the Polyhedron interface.

In this exercise, you will be completing the Polyhedron Hierarchy-specifically the Cylinder and Composite classes.

1.1 Input

The program reads data from one file, polyhedra1.txt. File extensions on Linux may be arbitrary-i.e., this file could have been named with .dat as the extension.

sphere 1

cylinder 2 1

sphere 4

cylinder 2 3

composite 3

sphere 3

sphere 5

sphere 7

composite 2

cylinder 1 2

sphere 5

sphere 3

Each polyhedron line is formatted as a keyword-i.e., the name of the polyhedron-and all appropriate attributes. A sphere is defined by a radius:

sphere 1

A cylinder with height 2 and radius 3 would take the form:

cylinder 2 3

A composite shape us defined by an integer representing the number, n, of polyhedra of which it is composed. It is then followed by n polyhedron input entries:

composite 2

cylinder 1 2

sphere 5

You may assume a valid input file. All input is well-formed.

The scaling parameter is specified as the second command line argument.
1.2 Output

The output consists of two reports written to standard output, one after the other.

1. A report listing all polyhedra that were read from polyhedra1.txt.

2. A report listing the result of scaling all polyhedra.

If the program is run with the polyhedra1.txt as the input file, the following output should be generated:

Original Polyhedra


[Sphere] (2, 2, 2)->Radius: 1 Diameter: 2

[Cylinder] (2, 2, 2)->Radius: 1 Height: 2

[Sphere] (8, 8, 8)->Radius: 4 Diameter: 8

[Cylinder] (6, 6, 2)->Radius: 3 Height: 2

[Composite] (14, 14, 14)->3 polyhedra

[Sphere] (6, 6, 6)->Radius: 3 Diameter: 6

[Sphere] (10, 10, 10)->Radius: 5 Diameter: 10

[Sphere] (14, 14, 14)->Radius: 7 Diameter: 14

[Composite] (10, 10, 10)->2 polyhedra

[Cylinder] (4, 4, 1)->Radius: 2 Height: 1

[Sphere] (10, 10, 10)->Radius: 5 Diameter: 10

[Sphere] (6, 6, 6)->Radius: 3 Diameter: 6

Scaled Polyhedra (Clones)


[Sphere] (4, 4, 4)->Radius: 2 Diameter: 4

[Cylinder] (4, 4, 4)->Radius: 2 Height: 4

[Sphere] (16, 16, 16)->Radius: 8 Diameter: 16

[Cylinder] (12, 12, 4)->Radius: 6 Height: 4

[Composite] (28, 28, 28)->3 polyhedra

[Sphere] (12, 12, 12)->Radius: 6 Diameter: 12

[Sphere] (20, 20, 20)->Radius: 10 Diameter: 20

[Sphere] (28, 28, 28)->Radius: 14 Diameter: 28

[Composite] (20, 20, 20)->2 polyhedra

[Cylinder] (8, 8, 2)->Radius: 4 Height: 2

[Sphere] (20, 20, 20)->Radius: 10 Diameter: 20

[Sphere] (12, 12, 12)->Radius: 6 Diameter: 12

The easiest way to see generate the expected output is to run the sample executable solution I have provided. These two files are named as command-line parameters when the program is executed.

For example, if the sample data above is kept in polyhedra1.txt, to run this program, type:

./createPolyhedra polyhedra1.txt 2

Run the compiled solution with both the provided input file and your own test input files.

Once you have completed your solution, compare the output generated by your solution to the output generated by my solution. The two sets must be identical.

1.3 Your Tasks

1. Complete display, read, clone, and scale functions for Cylinder and Composite.

2. Complete the Big-3 for Composite

3. Note that the Composite::polyhedra attribute, Polyhedron** polyhedra is an array of pointers. You will need to make use of the appropriate new, delete, and delete[] commands.

4. While you should strive to complete these functions without introducing memory leaks, memory leaks will not be evaluated during grading.

5. You may add supplemental member function to the Cylinder (Cylinder.h and Cylinder.cpp)
2. Mechanics
2.1 Grading

Tests 000 through 006 evaluate your program as a whole:

Test 000 confirms that your code compiles and runs. This test discards all output.

Tests 001-002 evaluate how your program runs given input file consisting only of Cylinder objects. These tests disregard output formatting.

Test 003-004 evaluate how your program runs given input file consisting only of Composite objects. These tests disregard output formatting.

Test 005-006 evaluate how your program runs given input file consisting of both Cylinder and Composite objects. Theses tests include output formatting.

With the exception of Test 000, each of the above:

Odd numbered tests apply a scaling factor of 1 (i.e., do not evaluate your scaling functions).

Even numbered tests apply a scaling factor

Attachment:- polyhedra

Reference no: EM131010764

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