Implement the insertion sort algorithm

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132032086 , Length: 4 pages


1. Introduction

In this assignment, you are to implement a console application that supports simple BMI (Body Mass Index) analysis functionality through a class called BMIAnalyser. A phased implementation approach is recommended; refer to Appendix 2 for further details.

2. The Application

The data to be analysed is to be loaded from 3 arrays containing person identifiers, heights (in metres) and weight (in kgs) using the loadFromTables() method provided in Appendix 1. Loading involves the creation of objects of type Record from each data triple (id[i], height[i], weight[i]). These are to be stored in an array of type Record called data. The size of this array is to be the same size as the data arrays. During loading, the BMI for each individual is calculated, using the following formula:

BMI = weight / (height*height)

where weight is in kilograms and height is in metres. The corresponding category is then determined as follows:








Very severely underweight



Severely underweight






Normal (healthy weight)






Obese Class I (Moderately obese)



Obese Class II (Severely obese)



Obese Class III (Very severely obese)



This allocation is to be provided as a separate (private) method called classify() that is not provided in Appendix 1. The code for loading is provided in Appendix 1 as the method loadFromTables().

In order to facilitate search, data is to be maintained in ascending order of person id. Sorting is to be done after loading, using a method called sortById(). This method must implement the insertion sort algorithm. Note that loadFromTables() and sortById() are to be invoked from the constructor for the BMIAnalyser class

The application's View class is to execute (using a switch statement) the following command options:

1. Display the record for a specified person
2. Display records for all persons with BMI values within a specified range.
3. Display the minimum, maximum and average BMIs
4. Exit the application

As it is a console application, the user will need to be prompted to enter a command and its arguments (if any). My personal preference is for a minimal interaction scheme, as shown below:

The following commands are recognised
Display this message > 0
Display a specific subject record: > 1 subjectID Display records for all subject records within a range > 2 bmi1 bmi2 Display statistics (minimum, maximum and average marks)> 3
Exit the application > 9
> 1 S01
<S01,1.8,80.0,24.7, Normal (healthy weight)>

Note that

1. Each command is designated a number
2. Command 1 requires a single argument - the subject id
3. Command 2 requires 2 arguments - the lower and upper bounds of a range of BMI values
4. I have added a "help" command (command 0)
5. The command options are displayed at the start of the application and whenever a "help" command is entered, rather than than after each command.
6. Records are displayed with no explanation of the fields

Feel free to adopt the above scheme or if you prefer, implement a more verbose interaction scheme.

For the commands that require arguments ( i.e. command 1 and command 2), note that

a. For commands 1 and 2, basic error checking is expected. For command 1, an error message is to be displayed if an id does not exist. For command 2, an error message is to be displayed if a member of the range is < 0 or > 100 or if the second member of a range is less than the first member.
b. For command 2, the range is exclusive of the values specified. Consequently, having both members of a range equal is to be flagged as an error.
c. For command 1, binary search is to be used.
d. For command 2, the results are to be stored in an ArrayList for display

The application must conform to the class diagram of Figure 1, although additional private members and methods are permitted.


Figure 1. Class Diagram

Note that in Figure 1, the visibility of class methods and attributes are designated as + (public) and - (private). Associations are annotated with a label (for readability) and multiplicity. The multiplicity captures the number of object instances that can be involved in the association. In this case, only two values apply - 1 and *, which means many.

3. Submission
You are to submit a zipped folder containing

- The four .java files that comprise your application. Alternatively, if you have used NetBeans, this can be replaced with a zipped project folder. Details of how to do this are provided in the NetBeans FAQ on the unit website.

- Report.docx. This file contains a test report that includes student name, student ID number, unit name, unit code, a test plan and test results. The test plan is to contain a list of the input values that you have used to test the program, the expected output values and the actual output values generated by your program. The test results are screenshots to show that that the program generates the actual outputs shown in the test plan.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132032086

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