Implement the functionality of the web application in java

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133235012

JAVA Programming Assignment -

Overview - Implement the following functionality of the web application in java using Eclipse IDE:

A lecturer can submit questions, answers (one-word answers), and the area of knowledge to a repository (i.e database). This will require you to create a webapp (use the URL pattern "/question-answer" to which lecturer can submit the question-and-answer pairs) and to get the user input and a database to store the questions added by the lecturer.

Provide a functionality to query the database (either as a separate java program or integrated with the webapp). The query should be to select all the questions from the database that match the area of knowledge that the user enters. When querying the database use the same insecure method used in the chapter9 (week9). Find a way to retrieve all the questions and answers in the database by cleverly crafting an SQL injection attack.

Submission Requirements -

1. Code implementing the above two functionalities.

2. Screen shot of an example showing how to submit questions to the repository

3. Screen shots of how to retrieve the questions and answers using crafted SQL query.

Reference no: EM133235012

Questions Cloud

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Implement the functionality of the web application in java : Implement the following functionality of the web application in java using Eclipse IDE: Provide a functionality to query the database
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