Implement the designed system on a public cloud

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132704202

Cloud Computing Project Assignment

Design and Implementation STaaS: A Cloud Based Smart Drive

Design: Cloud based portal access from any popular web browser from a computer or a cell phone/pad. User can drag and drop files to the portal interfacing area. The system will automatically put the file in different folders based on the type of the files, such as "MS Word", "MS Excel", "PDF", "Audio", "Video", etc. If a new type of file is dropped, the system will automatically create a new folder for this new file type. User can also create new folders and establish rules for new file types. The system will confirm after uploading or downloading (success/fail). Sorting based on last access time, time of creation, file size and name should be available. Searching by file name should be implemented.

Data safety and security must be considered in the design with cloud based solution given, but implementation of data safety and security is not required.

Implementation: Implement the designed system on a public cloud. You could use any cloud system you prefer as long as it has public access, such as AWS. You need to work independently but you could leverage the established cloud modules and cloud API. Establish a domain address with internet access to your system.

Testing: Design testing approaches and test plan including functional testing (Black box and White box), test case design and implementation.

Please submit: Project Report, Source Codes and Modules, and internet domain address (Web address) to the implemented system.
The project report should include:
• Cover page with your name, student ID and university Email
• Brief Project Background, Technology and Market analysis (simple 1 page)
• System Design and Architecture
• System Implementation over Cloud and Internet Access
• Testing Plan Design, Testing Case Design, Testing Result
• Performance Evaluation and Performance Optimization (Optional)
• Timelines, resource allocation and project planning (simple 1 page)
• Summary and References

Note 1: In your project implementation and sample data files, please do not include any real personal data of yourself or anybody else.
Note 2: If you need a new domain name, there are lots of providers offer very cheap (say $0.99) domain names, such as GoDaddy etc.

Reference no: EM132704202

Questions Cloud

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How they are attempts to balance order and liberty : Choose three public policies that currently exist and explain how they are attempts to balance "order" and "liberty."
Implement the designed system on a public cloud : Implement the designed system on a public cloud. You could use any cloud system you prefer as long as it has public access
How much of the distribution will be taxable to Marge : The IRA has a current value of $62,000. Marge is 65 years old and she takes a distribution of $38,000. How much of the distribution will be taxable to Marge
How much of the distribution will be taxable to Mary : The IRA has a current value of $62,000. Mary is 55 years old and she takes a distribution of $38,000. How much of the distribution will be taxable to Mary
International political economy : From the third e-Activity, propose three aspects of the post-bailout British economy plan
Write a personal reaction to the website : In the first paragraph, summarize the website and relate it to a book chapter topic, and in the second paragraph write a personal reaction to the website.


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