Implement the delivery company using the classes given in

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13347759

Implement the delivery company using the classes given in the class diagram above. Construct a cpp file named DeliveryRun.cpp with main() in it. That main will have two statements:  one will instantiate a DeliveryCompany object and the other will  call the method processPackages() using that object.

304_Implement the delivery company.png

The packages to be delivered are contained in ShippingCompanyInput.txt. Each line in the file shows a package and contains the subsequent information:

-  Priority (O = overnight and S = standard)
-  Name of customer (no spaces in the customer name)
-  Zone to be delivered to (1, 2, or 3)
-  Weight of the package (in pounds)

The charges for each type of package to every zone are included in the Util.h file.  The overnight rate is a function of the three delivery zones (OVERNIGHT_RATE).  The standard rates are provided per pound for each of the delivery zones (STANDARD_RATE_PER_POUND). 

The transport mode for each package is a function of the kind of package (overnight or standard) and the delivery zone (1, 2, or 3).  These are provided in OVERNIGHT_MODE and STANDARD_MODE in util.h.

The output must consist of:

-  A listing of each package
-  A listing of each shipment
-  A summary of the shipments

o  Number of packages
-  By transport mode (plane or truck)
-  By zone (1, 2, or 3)
-  Total

o  Total revenue

Each class with data to be printed out includes its own toString() function.  The output will then be generated from the DeliveryCompany class.

Reference no: EM13347759

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