Implement the boyer-moore algorithm

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131414975

Question 1. Write a program to implement the Boyer-Moore algorithm. Your program should ask the user to enter a text and a pattern, then output the following: (a) bad-symbol table (b) good suffix table (c) the searching result (whether the pattern is in the text or not)
Please make sure that the good suffix table is generated correctly. Use the following examples to test your program before submitting your assignment.


Good suffix table for the pattern BAOBAB

k = 1   d2 = 2;     k = 2,   d2 = 5;     k = 3   d2 = 5;     k = 4   d2 = 5;      k = 5   d2 = 5

Good suffix table for the pattern AACCAC

k = 1   d2 = 2;     k = 2,   d2 = 3;     k = 3   d2 = 6;     k = 4   d2 = 6;      k = 5   d2 = 6

Good suffix table for the pattern AACCAA

k = 1   d2 = 1;     k = 2,   d2 = 4;     k = 3   d2 = 4;     k = 4   d2 = 4;      k = 5   d2 = 4

Good suffix table for the pattern 10000

k = 1   d2 = 3;     k = 2,   d2 = 2;     k = 3   d2 = 1;     k = 4   d2 = 5

Good suffix table for the pattern 01010

k = 1   d2 = 4;     k = 2,   d2 = 4;     k = 3   d2 = 2;     k = 4   d2 = 2

Question 2. Design a greedy algorithm to solve the activity selection problem. Suppose there are a set of activities: a1, a2, ... an that wish to use a lecture hall. Each activity ai has a start time siand a finish time fi. A lecture hall can be used by only one activity at a time. Two activities can be scheduled in the same lecture hall if they are nonconflicting (fi<= sj or fj<= si) Your algorithm should find out the minimum number of lecture halls needed to hold all the activities. Write a program to implement your algorithm. For example: if the activities you need to schedule have the following start times and finish times,
4 7
6 9
7 8
1 3
1 4
2 5
3 7
then the output of your program is "the minimum number of lecture halls required is 3". Also indicate which activity will be scheduled in which lecture hall.

Verified Expert

The solution file is implemented in netbeans which contains two programs. They are the first program is to implement the Boyer Moore algorithm to find pattern and good suffix table second one is implement the greedy algorithm to find the maximum number of activities can allocate . The screen shorts of both programs are attached here.

Reference no: EM131414975

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