Implement the 360-degree feedback system

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Reference no: EM133171128

When Russaine International implemented a 360-degree feedback in its organization a year ago, it was met with resistance and was eventually discontinued. Vladimir Zelensky, the President of Russaine International, had seen a demonstration by a 360-degree vendor at a trade conference and decided to use the system at Russaine. Subsequently, Zelensky worked with the consultant to implement the system. Specifically, he sent out a company-wide e-mail stating the reasons for changing to the new system, how the ratings collected using the new system would be linked to bonuses, and the importance of completing the online training course on the system. The consultants provided online rater training for those who were interested as well as links to documents describing how to observe, assess, and record performance behaviors. After the surveys were made available, individuals were encouraged to contact the Human Resource department if they had any problems.

Based on the information, what could Russaine International have done to implement the 360-degree feedback system more successfully?

Reference no: EM133171128

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