Reference no: EM132373221
Introduction to Software Engineering Assignment - Sleeping Coders
Introduction -
This assignment follows a programming pattern called MVC (the Model, View, Controller) pattern. You have been provided with the view and controller classes but you will be required to implement several modelling classes.
The modelling classes are based on the children's card game, Sleeping Queens. Each class you're required to implement has a specification that is outlined in this document. A specification is a description of each method in a class as well as their parameters and return values.
Once you have correctly implemented the modelling classes, you will have completed a digital version of Sleeping Coders.
Sleeping Coders (Coders for short) is a card game that is based on the popular children's card game, Sleeping Queens. The aim of the game is to wake as many sleeping coders as possible. A sleeping coder is woken by playing a tutor card.
At the start of the game there are 16 coders placed face down in the center of the board, a face down coder card means that coder is sleeping. Each player is dealt five cards randomly. Basic Running of the GamePlayers will take turns playing a card from their deck; number cards have no action and are meant to be disposed of while other cards have actions attributed to their playing.
A tutor card can be played at any time. When a tutor card is played the player who played it can pick up one of the coder cards from the center of the board.
Playing a keyboard kidnapper card will allow the player to take a coder card from another player.
Playing an all-nighter card will allow the player to put another player's coder back to sleep (add it back to the center of the board).
The aim of the game is to collect coders by waking them up. The first player to collect 4 coders wins the game.
Attachment:- Software Engineering Assignment File - Sleeping Coders.rar