Implement runlength encoding and decoding

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132168005

Description: In this assignment, you are going to implement runlength encoding and decoding. In addition, the runlength code needs to write/read to/from a file. The encoding and decoding guidelines are provided as follows

In Encoding

1. First, you need to reordering the data matrix C in a zig zag way.

2. Print out the data in zig zag order

3. Count the consecutive occurrence

4. Print out the value and its consecutive occurrence

5. Open the file and Save the sequence to a file in binary mode as
- If the value is positive, the sign is 0; otherwise 1
- Save the sign using 1 bit
- Save the occurrence using 7 bits
- Save the absolute value using 8 bits (K bits in general)
- Flush the buffer
- Close the file

In Decoding
6. Open the file and Read the sequence from the file in binary mode as
- Read sign (1 bit)
- Read occurrence (7 bits)
- Read value (8 bits - K bits in general) and correct the sign
- Repeat until the end of file
- Close the file

7. Store the sequence back to data

8. Print out the sequence

9. Finally, reverse the zig zag data back to a matrix.

10. PrintMatrix C2 where C2 is the reconstructed matrix

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132168005

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11/16/2018 1:22:26 AM

Grading: Submit your source files (zip to a folder) along with a readme indicating how to compile your files via blackboard. All assignments will be tested under Unix. Apply makefile to Compile and Link Successfully – 10 points Use separate source and header files (file, matrix, runlength) - 10 points Correct Encoding – 30 points Correct De coding – 30 points

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