Implement modularized solution to the programme

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Reference no: EM132449745

OODP101 Object Oriented Design and Programming Assignment - Individual Programming Solution to a Problem, Kent Institute Australia

Unit Learning Outcomes addressed:

1. Demonstrate basic knowledge of object oriented programming concepts and programming problems.

2. Analyse and dissect simple design and programming problem.

3. Implement a well-designed modularized solution to small programming problems.

4. Develop and/or implement testing schedules.

Assessment description -

You are working for budget airlines as a junior programmer, you and your team has given a task to develop and test a program for the company so their customers to choose as per their requirements and can check availability or can add service.

1. Analyse and create simple design

For the below create a generic output display as:

International destination:                          Domestic destination

County name:                                           City name

City as per the county                                Car hire

Also, as per destination selection information shall output as:

If selected International destination, then name of the Country and City of destination.

If Selected Domestic destination, then name of the City and Car hire.

2. Implement a well-designed modularized solution to the programme

a. Create a class named International Destination to be the superclass of all the destinations. It should have suitable constructors to aid with polymorphic behaviour, and contain suitable attributes to store the information that is common to all destination names and appropriate accessors. For all destinations, the toString method should return only the country name and city of destination

b. Create a class called Domestic Destination. It should be a subclass of the class internation destination. Ensure that it contains appropriate attributes to store additional information specific to domestic destination. Ensure that there is a suitable constructor, mutators to set all values appropriately, and that there are appropriate accessors to obtain all information relevant to domestic destination. Override toString() method so that it return all the domestic destination information.

c. Create a class called Car Hire and shall only represent when customer selected Domestic destination. It should be a subclass of Car hire. Ensure that it contains appropriate attributes to store additional information specific to Car hire. Ensure that there is a suitable constructor, mutators to set all values appropriately, and that there are appropriate accessors to obtain all information relevant to packaged items. Override toString() method so that it return all relevant information related to the Packaged items.

d. Create a driver class which will have main method and following functionalities.

Use Destination as a parent/super class

Use International destination and Domestic destination as two child/sub classes for Destination super.

International Destination would have attributes as country name and city names (2)

Domestic Destination would have the name of the city and car hire details as attributes.

Use constructors and toString methods for declaring and displaying the objects (5 each)

A driver/main class would display destinations using a recurring menu, and calculate and display the total amount due as per the user choice of destination.

e. Create a class diagram for above mentioned classes. Show all attributes, methods and proper relationships between classes.

3. Develop and implement testing

Case id's:         Case name:       Case data:         Expected outcome:           Actual outcome:

Note: A one or two-page design + test data document, your .java and .class files.

Reference no: EM132449745

Questions Cloud

Explain some of the hardening methods of entry control : What are protective barriers, and what should they entail? Describe and explain some of the hardening methods of entry control.
Explain the process of evolution through natural selection : 1. What is a mutation? How does it affect evolution? 2. Explain the process of evolution through natural selection.
Discuss implementing an operating and database system : Discuss the considerations for implementing an operating and database system. Recommend the optimum system, considering the types of revenue
Summarize the major provisions of the law that you chose : Choose 1 U.S. environmental law. State the name of the law and the date the law was passed. Summarize the major provisions of the law that you chose.
Implement modularized solution to the programme : Implement a well-designed modularized solution to the programme - Create a class named International Destination to be the superclass of all the destinations
Discuss differences between left and right wing extremism : Discuss the differences between left and right wing extremism. What is critical infrastructure and key resources?
Discuss why should write a business plan : Identify a type of business you would like to own. Next, evaluate two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of buying an existing business compared
Describe the key management issues in your organization : Describe the key management issues in your organization and explain how IT can help in addressing these issues.
Discuss bootstrap marketing and advertising : Develop a bootstrap marketing idea that will help promote a small business at a minimal expense. Be creative and thorough in developing the idea


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