Implement functions whose prototypes are shown

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131213442

This program involves using STL lists.

For this program you will implement three functions whose prototypes are given below:

list<int>::iterator mxIter(list<int>::iterator first,
list<int>::iterator last);

void selectSort(list<int>& aList);

void writeList(const list<int>& alist);

What you need to do:

You are going to use a static array declared using { 12, 1, 6, 8, 5, 9, 22, 9, 13, 17 } to initialize an STL list, as shown in the slides.

Then you will implement a selection sort (selectSort). A selection sort involves sweeping over the list and finding the maximum element of the list (by calling MxIter) that has not already been sorted, creating a new element at the beginning of the list, setting its value to be the same as the maximum element's value, and then deleting the maximum element (using erase).

Unsorted list: 12 1 6 8 5 9 22 9 13 17
Sorted list: 1 5 6 8 9 9 12 13 17 22

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Brief description of the solution In the following code, we are performing selection sort using the following steps- - Find the maximum element in the list - Insert the element in the beginning - Check if the first element is max, if yes, move the first iterator ahead - Perform the above in a loop for the size of the list - Display the sorted list on the screen.1) Ease of usage of the data structure std::list In the following code, we can see that using 'std::list type makes it very easy for us to perform selection sort. It has readily available functions for inserting and erasing an element, which is a very necessary step performed during sorting.

Reference no: EM131213442

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