Implement effective operational decisions

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13230900

The individual assignment is based on SABMiller Plc and needs to be a report on the following:
A critical review of the organisational approach to operations strategy.The report should consider how the operation adds value and how it relates to its business environment. (40% weighting)
2) A critical analysis of how information system creates competitive advantage in the operations. (40% weighting)
3) A critical review of the operations approach to job design.(20% weighting)

Assignment needs to:

1. Critically appraise the ways in which the operations and information systems functions contribute to an organisation's competitiveness and strategic direction.

2. Synthesise and evaluate complex information on IT related issues

3. Identify and justify the information required to establish and implement effective operational decisions, with particular reference to change management.

4. Critically assess organisations from systems, information and business process perspective.

5. Appreciate how key organisationalbehaviour concepts such as structure, motivation, culture and work groups and teams impact and influence the role of people within the broad operations of the organisation.

Reference no: EM13230900

Questions Cloud

Define both strategic plan and operational plan : Define both strategic plan and operational plan in terms of "breadth,""time frame," and "specificity." What level of management is more apt to do each type of plan?
Compute the partial pressure of the liquid solution : Calculate the partial pressure of each, the total pressure and the composition of the liquid solution.
Determine a state diagram for the machine : A serial input finite state machine has one input and one output. The output becomes 1 and remains 1 thereafter when at least two 0's and at least two 1's have occurred as inputs, regardless of the order of occurrence. Draw a state diagram for the..
What are some of the managerial implications : What are some of the Managerial implications of the "global village?" With regards to large organizations, what is the significanca between a multi-national corporation and a trans-national corporation?
Implement effective operational decisions : Critically appraise the ways in which the operations and information systems functions contribute to an organisation's competitiveness and strategic direction and identify and justify the information required to establish and implement effective o..
Explain the hierarchy of managers : Explain the "hierarchy of managers." Explain the roles of each of the three levels.
What are the common characteristics of all companies : What are the common characteristics of all companies? Can a manager have operation responsibilities? explain. What are three characteristics that a manager must have to be successful in today's ever changing world? Give an example of each.
Define the molar analytical concentration kcl : A solution was prepared by dissolving 10.12g of KCl.MgCl2 (277.85g/mol) in a sufficient water to give 2L. Calculate a.) the molar analytical concentration KCl. MgCl2 in this solution
Describe the pancreaticacinar cells : What organelles would you expect to find in exaggerated quantities in pancreaticacinar cells? What role does each of the organelles serve?


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