Implement classes and testing

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Reference no: EM131586266


- Implementing classes & testing

Coding Guidelines:
- Give identifiers semantic meaning and make them easy to read (examples numStudents, grossPay, etc).
- Keep identifiers to a reasonably short length.
- User upper case for constants. Use title case (first letter is upper case) for classes. Use lower case with uppercase word separators for all other identifiers (variables, methods, objects).
- Use tabs or spaces to indent code within blocks (code surrounded by braces). This includes classes, methods, and code associated with ifs, switches and loops. Be consistent with the number of spaces or tabs that you use to indent.
- Use white space to make your program more readable.

Part #1: Written Exercises (0 pts)

Part #2 - Programming (20 pts)
Write a class definition (not a program, there is no main method) named Geek (saved in a file that models a person who is a geek. For our purposes, a geek is someone who delights in answering all sorts of questions, such as "is this string a palindrome?", "what is the sum of all numbers between two numbers?" among other things. A Geek has a name and also keeps track of how many questions s/he has answered.

Your Geek class must have:
- Only two instance variables - the Geek's name and number of questions asked so far.
- public Geek(String name, int numQuestions) - Constructor - sets the Geek's name and the num- ber of questions asked.
- public String getName() - Takes no parameters and returns the Geek's name as a String (don't count this request in the total questions).
- public int getNumberOfQuestions() - Takes no parameters and returns as an int how many ques- tions has been asked (don't count this request in the total).
- public boolean isEven(int num1, int num2) - It takes two integers and returns a boolean value indicating if the sum of the numbers is even or not (this counts as the Geek being asked one more question, so update the appropriate instance variable).

- public int sum(int num1, int num2) - Takes two integers and returns an int which is the sum of all numbers between the two inclusive (include the numbers in the sum) - for full credit this method should work even if the two numbers are the same (the sum is just one of the numbers) or if the first number is larger than the second. Also, you cannot assume which number will be greater.
- public boolean leapYear(int year) - It takes an integer and returns a boolean value indicating if the year is a leap year. A leap year is one with 366 days. A year is a leap year if:
- it is divisible by 4 (for example, 1980),
- except that it is not a leap year if it is divisible by 100 (for example 1900);
- however, it is a leap year if it is divisible by 400 (for example, 2000).
There were no exceptions before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar on October 15, 1582 (for example, 1500 was a leap year). You may NOT use Java's GregorianCalendar class. (This counts as the Geek being asked one more question, so update the appropriate instance variable).

Save the Geek class in a file called Write a test driver called with the main method to create a new Geek object and to test the methods in the class Geek. A sample output is shown below. will provide the following menu to the user. Based on the user's choice, the program needs to perform corresponding operation. This will be done by calling (invoking) one of the methods you defined in the Geek class. The program will terminate when the user enters 'q'.
Command Options
a : get name
b: number of questions asked c: sum is even
d: sum between two integers e: leap year
?: display the menu again q: quit this program

Here is the description for each option:
a: asks for the Geek's name
b: returns the number of questions asked so far
c: asks for two integers and prints if the sum of the numbers is even
d: asks for two integers and returns the sum of all numbers between them, inclusive e: asks for an integer and returns if it is a leap year or not
?: displays the menu q: quits

Reference no: EM131586266

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