Implement business intelligence solutions

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Reference no: EM132359270

Business Intelligence Assignment - Business Intelligence Solution Development and Report

Unit Learning Outcome -

  • Collaborate constructively in a team to use BI technologies for implementation of innovative BI solutions.
  • Appraise and apply data warehousing architecture, technologies and development methodologies for business intelligence.

Graduate Learning Outcome -

  • Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities - students are required to demonstrate an understanding of the business intelligence context and explain the BI technologies and associated implementation issues.
  • Digital Literacy - students are required to apply BI technologies to find, use and disseminate actionable information.
  • Teamwork - students are expected to collaborate constructively in a team to appraise business intelligence requirements and develop BI solutions.

Requirement: In this group assignment, teams of 3 students will implement business intelligence solutions and produce a report to explain the solutions. Students are required to apply the BI knowledge and practical skills and analyse BI requirements within transportation and logistics setting. Based upon the findings, students will provide recommendations and use analytics tools to implement business intelligence dashboards.

BI Solution Development and Report -

In the BI practicals, we saw how the MS Power BI tools interact with data sources to produce BI dashboards. This practical assignment requires you to demonstrate your understanding of BI and apply the analytics skills.

This group assignment topic will be on transportation and logistics analytics. As an analyst, your main task is to apply MS Power BI tool and develop innovative transportation and logistics analytics within any organisational setting. You may apply either real-world or artificial dataset to illustrate your approach (the different datasets can be combined too).


1. Develop the relevant BI dashboards using MS Power BI tool. Please present the BI dashboards first, then followed by the explanation of each individual chart of the dashboard.

2. Justify why these BI solutions could provide insights and why those attributes are laid out in the fashion you proposed (feel free to include all other relevant justifications). Note: To ensure that you discuss task (2) properly, you must include visual samples of the reports you produce (i.e. the screenshots of the BI report/dashboard must be presented and explained in the written report; use 'Snipping tool'), and also include any assumptions that you may have made.

3. The BI report should include: 1) objectives and benefits of your BI solution, 2) BI dashboards screenshots and commentary, 3) overall findings and recommendations, etc. Feel free to make reasonable assumptions or refine the data as needed. You may create your own artificial datasets. Real-world dataset is not compulsory.

Report guidelines -

1. The body of the report should contain 'Table of Content', logically organised sections, and 'List of references'.

2. The contribution of each team member must be clearly stated on the Table of Content. E.g. Introduction & Part x (done by Alex Smith).

3. You may include figures, diagrams, tables and charts, etc.

4. For this practical assignment, the length of the assignment includes everything (e.g. Table of content and References list).

5. Reports should be written in Microsoft Word and submitted as a Word file.

Attachment:- Business Intelligence Assignment File.rar

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The recent business intelligence data analytical tools create high impact on industry.Based on that we use 2 data analytical tools spss and watson. Applying Co2 emission data set can be analysed using two tools namely SPSS and Watson.The result is given in the report.As a result of analysis watson gives better performance than spss.

Reference no: EM132359270

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8/22/2019 2:01:04 AM

Word count: Up to 4000 words. NOTE: You MUST produce the actual visuals in MS Power BI tool. If you think the best presentation above is to use, say, only a pie chart, then discuss using a pie chart and indicate what the pie chart would show, why you picked the pie chart, and so on. It may be useful to try with various dashboards (i.e. combinations of presentations) before rushing to conclusion. Referencing format - You should include any website, journal, or conference papers you have cited in your research paper as references, if any. Please use only the APA style for referencing.


8/22/2019 2:00:50 AM

Report guidelines - The body of the report should contain ‘Table of Content’, logically organised sections, and ‘List of references’. The contribution of each team member must be clearly stated on the Table of Content. E.g. Introduction & Part x (done by Alex Smith). You may include figures, diagrams, tables and charts, etc. For this practical assignment, the length of the assignment includes everything (e.g. Table of content and References list). Reports should be written in Microsoft Word and submitted as a Word file. Assignments are to be submitted online to the CloudDeakin dropbox (see submission details below). Format: Times New Roman, font size 12 & line spacing 1.5.


8/22/2019 2:00:44 AM

Submission Details - The assignments should be submitted as a Word file, called surname1-surname2-surname3.docx (e.g. Smith-Patel-Jones.docx) and submitted via CloudDeakin (your group’s Dropbox; not individual one even though if you are allowed to do it individually – so, just join any group number as a sole member, or else your mark will not be automatically recorded by the group assignment system). It is worth 30% of your overall mark for this unit. Also, do include your Team’s login and password detail on the first page of the group assignment.


8/22/2019 2:00:38 AM

Notes - Penalties for late submission: The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension: 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five days, and work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked. You will receive 0% for the task. 'Day' means working day for paper submissions and calendar day for electronic submissions. The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date.


8/22/2019 2:00:30 AM

Assignment Marking Rubric - The report is of exceptional clarity and quality. Excellent presentation of the BI analysis. A good report that the readers will be impressed with because you have demonstrated deep understanding of the transportation and logistics analytics and delivered the BI reporting as a clear solution to the analytics problem. Assumptions are valid and support the BI solution proposed. "Excellent BI dashboards are developed with the right components and high level of details and justification of why a particular solution/ presentation would be useful to the transportation and logistics analytics stakeholders. Assumptions if any are valid and the design is backed with appropriate discussion. Visual screen shots are included." Excellent recommendations that are supported and justified by evidences and fact-based analysis. Visual sample is included. The recommendations make complete sense. Professional presentation. Appropriate use of referencing, if any.

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