Implement and sustain a continuous improvement culture

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Reference no: EM133092311

BSBSTR502 Facilitate continuous improvement

Task - Establish continuous improvement systems and processes

You have been engaged as a consultant by MMI Education (Appendix 1) to improve sustainable workplace practices and to introduce continuous improvementsystems and processes across the organisation.

This task comprises of the following assessment methods:
o Product-based
o Direct observation of Role-Play
o Case Study
o Other (specify)

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:

• Identify current systems and processes that facilitate continuous improvement
• Identify and define improvement needs and opportunities for the organisation
• Develop decision-making processes to assist continuous improvement and communicate to relevant stakeholders
• Develop strategies for continuous improvement and encourage team members to participate in decision-making processes
• Develop knowledge management systems to capture team progress, insights and experiences from business activities
• Develop new systems and processes that facilitate continuous improvement according to improvement needs and opportunities
• Establish processes that confirm team members are informed about continuous improvement outcomes
• Confirm relevant systems and processes meet organisation sustainability requirements
• Confirm team progress, insights and experiences are captured and accessible using knowledge management systems
• Coach individuals and teams to implement and support continuous improvement systems and processes
• Identify and evaluate ways in which planning and operations could be improved
• Make recommendations and communicate strategies to relevant stakeholders

Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your competency in the above.

You are required to address the following:
• Task 2.1 CI initiatives and practices
o Train staff on CI
o Brainstorm and plan for CI initiatives to improve sustainability practices in the workplace
o Communicate improvement to executive management
• Task 2.2CI strategies, processes and systems
o Develop and establish CI strategies, processes and systems

Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.

Complete the following activities:
You have been engaged as a consultant by MMI Education (Appendix 1) to improve sustainable workplace practices and to introduce continuous improvement system and processes across the organisation.
The sustainable workplace practices include:
• Encourage sustainable eating habits by minimising the use of disposable containers
• Go paperless
• Manage food waste at work using brown bin solutions
• Implement energy savings policies
• Encourage the use of sustainable transportation to work
To do so, you will:
• Apply continuous improvement (CI) processes and systems
• Encourage departmental managers to participate in the decision-making process and commit to the improvements
• Coach and mentor departmental managers on CI
• Ensure that insights and experience from the sustainability activities are captured and shared
• Develop strategies, systems and processes to implement and sustain a continuous improvement culture

Task 2.1 CI initiatives and practices

Meet with the departmental managers and use part of the meeting to deliver a training session using coaching and mentoring techniques to ensure that the managers understand what CI is and its value for the organisation.
The format of the meeting will assist the managers in:
• Being ready to implement and support the CI initiatives, and
• Contributing to the business decision-making process.

1. Review the scenario (Appendix 1), the existing CI policy (Appendix 2), the learning material and conduct independent research. Prepare a training session for the managers to cover:
o The definition of continuous improvement.
o The benefits of implementing continuous improvement systems and processes in the workplace.
2. Two continuous improvement models that may be suitable for the organisation. You may consider Plan Do Check Act, DMAIC or TQM approaches to CI.
3. Prepare to illustrate the current CI policy and discuss proposed improvements.
4. Prepare to conduct a brainstorming session about improving sustainability in the workplace:
o Encourage sustainable eating habits by minimising the use of disposable containers
o Go paperless
o Manage food waste at work using brown bin solutions
o Implement energy savings policies
o Encourage the use of sustainable transportation to work
5. Prepare to facilitate a collaborative planning session to discuss how to implement the sustainability initiatives using a Plan Do Check Act approach.
6. Prepare to obtain a commitment to the CI initiatives from managers.
7. Prepare to negotiate and agree on responsibilities.
Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 3 of class and facilitate the meeting with the managers.
A group of classmates (3-4) will play the role of the managers in simulated work conditions.
Take turns to present, facilitate and train the managers (instructions provided below).
The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the training session.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.
Duration: 60 - 90 minutes (for all classmates to present and facilitate the meeting taking turns)
Before the training session
• Prepare a PP presentation to cover all the required points. Submit the PP with your assessment.
• Prepare to train the managers.
• Review the current CI policy and identify improvements.
• Prepare to facilitate the brainstorming and planning session.
During the training session
• Present and train the managers on:
o The definition of continuous improvement.
o The benefits of implementing continuous improvement systems and processes in the workplace.
o Two continuous improvement models/approaches.
• Present and discuss:
o The current CI policy and improvements. Make decisions on what improvements implement in the current policy.
• Facilitate a brainstorming session about improving sustainability in the workplace. Each student in the Role-Play group to facilitate the discussion on ONE of the topics below:
o Encourage sustainable eating habits by minimising the use of disposable containers
o Go paperless
o Implement energy savings policies
o Encourage the use of sustainable transportation to work
All initiatives must be covered, so split the topics among the group members.
The outcomes of the brainstorming session must include:
o Three key actions for each sustainability topic to implement the CI sustainability initiative in the workplace.
o A plan for the implementation of each sustainability initiative using a Plan-Do-Check-Act approach.
o A commitment to the implementation of CI initiatives to improve sustainability in the workplace and agreed responsibilities.
After the training session
1. Document the improved CI policy and procedures.
Copy and paste the improved policy in the space provided below. Use a red font to highlight the updates/improvements.
2. Summarise the key actions to implement the CI initiatives.
CI initiative
Encourage sustainable eating habits by minimising the use of disposable containers
Go paperless
Implement energy savings policies
Encourage the use of sustainable transportation to work

3. Document the Plan-Do-Check-Act approach for one of the CI initiatives (the CI initiative you facilitated the brainstorming session for).
CI Initiative: <Add>

4. Update the CI register below, adding the improvements that were discussed during the training session:
• CI initiatives to improve sustainability practices
• Improvements to the CI Policy

5. Write an email to the CEO.

The email (Template 1) must address the following:
• Inform the CEO about the CI initiatives to improve sustainability practices in the organisation.
• Inform the CEO of the proposed improvements to the existing CI policy.
• Identify, evaluate and communicate to the CEO ways in which planning and operations could be improved.
• Explain how the change and improvement processes meet sustainability requirements.
Sustainability requirements may include:
o Partnership with employees
o Waste and energy management
o Sustainable procurement
o Sustainable financial practices
o Compliance with legislation and regulations
o Social impact

• Attach the CI Register to the email.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
(100-150 words)

Task 2.2 CI strategies, processes and systems

Develop CI strategies, processes and systems:
A. Develop and communicate a decision-making process to assist with CI in the organisation.

1. Develop the decision-making process.
2. Communicate the decision-making process.

Write an email (Template 1) to the Board of Directors, and the departmental managers to inform them of the decision-making process.
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
(50-100 words)

B. Outline and test a knowledge management system that can be used in the organisation to capture staff progress, insights and experiences from business activities.

1. Outline the system.
(50-100 words)

2. Test the system.
Ask one of your classmates to play the role of a manager in the organisation and provide feedback on the system outlined in Task 2.2B1.
Ask the classmate to peer-review the system and provide evidence of evaluation using the table below. Submit a completed peer-review form (Template 2) as evidence of review.

C. Develop a process that confirms the staff is informed about continuous improvement outcomes. Determine how to implement the process in the organisation (action plan. 3-4 key actions).

D. Evaluate the systems and processes developed in Task 2.2 against sustainability requirements.
Sustainability requirements may include:

• Partnership with employees
• Waste and energy management
• Sustainable procurement
• Sustainable financial practices
• Compliance with legislation and regulations
• Social impact

Confirm how the systems and processes meet sustainability requirements.

Attachment:- Facilitate continuous improvement.rar

Reference no: EM133092311

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2/24/2022 9:50:59 PM

This task is based on the case study which I attached before in the previous assignment( cast study MMI). If you study the assignment task go in the specifications tab. You need to need only till the 2.1 task which is the last question stating email to the ceo. Then later next week the rest of the task 2 needs to be completed. Which I will post the assignment again. Note:- I also need PowerPoint slides too.

Write a Review

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