Reference no: EM13991949
Implement and monitor marketing activities
Implement marketing strategies and tactics
You are required to read the marketing plan case study available at the appendix and submit a two to three page written report. Your report needs to address the points below:
a. Summaries stakeholder briefings regarding their implementation roles.
b. How were marketing and non-marketing personnel briefed?
i. The objectives of the plan?
ii. Their roles and responsibilities in relation to the implementation of the plan?
iii. Their performance measures?
c. Create a prioritised list of at least three of the marketing strategies and the resources required for each strategy.
d. What communication and team building strategies were used to ensure the personnel responsible for each element of the marketing mix or to achieve the marketing objective?
e. What strategies were implemented for monitoring marketing activities and analysing performance?
Monitor marketing strategies and tactics
Task: In this assessment, you are required to study the case study for assessment Task 1 and prepare a one to two page project update that outline the current process of the marketing activities against the marketing plan and overall objectives. In your project, you must include the points below:
a. monitor and implement the promotional activities
b. monitor product, pricing and distribution decisions
c. monitor marketing results against targets in the Marketing Plan
d. monitor marketing revenue and costs against budget
e. record variations in revenue and costs against budget
Then, you need to prepare a ten minute presentation based on your report (with power-point slides) and ensure that your presentation meets the below guidelines:
a. the report's content, format and level of details meet organisational standards for an internal project update
b. the presentation's content, format and level of detail meets organisational standards
Implement and monitor marketing strategies
Task: You are required to select an organisation for which you can access sufficient marketing data. The organization may be one with which you are familiar, for example, your own workplace or another as negotiated with your facilitator. If you are not able to participate in an existing campaign, plan a small magazine or email/fax campaign that you then implement, monitor and evaluate. You are then to document your participation in this project by preparing a report that addresses the points below:
1. Briefly overview the marketing activities you are involved in implementing.
2. Describe the marketing strategies and tactics your marketing activities relate to.
3. Explain bow you briefed the stakeholders who participated in the marketing planning process on their roles and responsibilities.
a. Include copies of any documents prepared for this purpose.
4. List the roles critical to the success of the marketing plan activities you are involved with.
5. Explain how you briefed the marketing and non-marketing personnel identified in question 4 on the objectives of the plan, their roles and responsibilities and performance measures.
a. Include copies of any documents prepared for this purpose
b. Did you use the same document and/or process that you used question 3? Explain why these were or were you use the not suitable.
6. Prepare a prioritised list of the marketing strategies and identify the resources required for their implementation.
7. Evaluate the communication and team building strategies you implemented to ensure that personnel responsible for each element of the marketing mix worked together.
- Explain each strategy. Discuss the effectiveness of each strategy, noting what worked and what didn't work.
- Comment on any changes that have been made to either strategy since initial implementation.
8. Describe the strategies you implemented for monitoring marketing activities and analysing marketing performance.
Then, prepare a one to two page progress report for your project that outlines the current progress of the marketing activities against the marketing plan and overall objectives. Your report should comment on the:
a. monitoring and implementation of promotional activities against communication objectives in the marketing plan
b. monitoring of product, pricing and distribution decisions against organisational policy and the objectives of the marketing plan
c. monitoring of marketing results against targets in the marketing plan
d. monitoring of marketing revenue and costs against budget
e. analysis of recorded variations in revenue and costs against budget
f. Describe the processes you used to regularly assess marketing performance against objectives.
g. Conduct at least two interviews with customers and other staff involved in the project to identify opportunities for improvement. You NMCI to document your discussions and provide a copy of your interview questions.
h. What changes in business practices are required to meet changing customer requirements?
i. Create an improvement plan based on your recommendations discussed in g and f.
Prepare a short communication for the stakeholders communicating changes to the marketing objectives and targets based on your improvement plan.
Lastly, prepare a half page reflection of this project. In your reflection you should incorporate the feedback and testimonials received from supervisors, colleagues and team members. In your reflection you should comment on:
• what strategies and tactics you used that worked well and what did not
• your team leadership skills and how you used these to help the team achieve the marketing objectives
• what you would do differently if you have to undertake a similar project in the future and why