Implement an intrusion detection system in java

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13113793

You are to implement an intrusion detection system in java. We are assuming all activities are associated with the same user. Please don't implement a GUI, the only required into is at the start and the output should all be to standard out on a terminal.

You must provide compilation instructions for your program and the produced program should be IDSE. It should run with the command:
IDSE Events.txt Base-Data.txt Test-Events.txt where the three files do not need to have those names but will follow the formats given below. A Java program should run with Java in front of the command.

There are some files that you will work from. An example of each and the generic structure of each are provided. Examples of the required output will be demonstrated.

A specific example of the first file, Events.txt is
Logins:2:Total time online:1:Emails sent:1:Orders processed:1:
Pizza's ordered online:0.5:
The general format is
Number of monitored events
Event-5:Event-5: ....:

Only four events are recorded per line. There will be multiple lines, as many as are necessary to give the details of the specified Number of Monitored Events. Number of Monitored Events will be a positive integer no greater than 20.

The second file, Base-Data.txt contains data based on measuring output associated with the events described in the file Events.txt. Part of a specific example of the second file, associated with the specific example of the first file above, is:

The general format for a single line of the file is Measure-Event-1:Measure-Event-2:Measure-Event-3:....:

Measure-Event-Number of monitored events:

Each line contains the measures from a particular day. Each entry is the value associated with that event on a particular day. You can assume that all measures of an event have the same units. The units are assumed to be known and you do not need to report them. The intrusion detection is based on standard deviations.

The third file, Test-Events.txt, has the same form as Base-Data.txt, but each line is to be processed and tested against the base profile. Each corresponds to a days activity. These lines are not to be taken into account in determining the baseline behavior of

the user. A specific example is:

The general format for a single line of the file is

Measure-Event-1:Measure-Event-2:Measure-Event-3:....:Measure-Event-Number of monitored events:

What do you need to do?

1. Read in the first two files, produce a base profile, and report it, as in the example below. As mentioned earlier, this is all assumed to be for a single user. You have been given the event names and the weights in the first file, Events.txt. You need to calculate the average and standard deviation (stdev) based on the data given in the second file, Base-Data.txt. The average and standard deviation should be listed to two decimal places only.

Event Average Stdev Weight
Logins 4.50 1.25 2
Total time online 287.15 42.12 1
Emails sent 65.40 30.71 1
Orders processed 150.73 20.13 1
Pizza's ordered online 2.03 1.06 0.5

Your output doesn't need to follow this exact format but it should be clear.

2. Calculate a threshold for detecting an intrusion. The threshold is 2*(Sums of weights). This should be reported. For the table above we have Threshold 11

Your output doesn't need to follow this exact format but it should be clear.

3. For each item in the third file, Test-Events.txt, you need to report on whether the there is an intrusion detected. You do this by measuring adding up the weighted number of standard deviations each specific tested event value is from the average for that event, where the standard deviation and average are those you have generated from the base data and reported. For example, if 2 Logins occur in a day, we are 2 standard deviations from the average. Since Logins have a weight of 2 this contributes a distance 4 to our measure. For each event you should report the distance value and whether or not an alarm is raised.

Line 1 -- 5:387:75:120:2: Distance: ... Alarm: No
Line 2 -- 1:123:25:50:5: Distance: ... Alarm: Yes Yes Yes
Again, your output doesn't need to follow this exact format but it should be clear.

note: The program should be running using windows command prompt,you should meet the requirement,and create a read me txt file, and capture some pictures to show you how you figure out it in a word document.

Reference no: EM13113793

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