Implement a white box informal database security

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131182256

You have been hired as a security professional for your company.

You are to create and implement a white box informal database security testing schedule for the organization. Create a paper that addresses the following:

1. Create a table that includes a rotating schedule for the 12 months of security testing. Include columns that identify time estimations for each test listed.

2. Create a planning and preparation checklist common to all security tests as a whole.

3. Identify any special planning and preparation needed for each test.

4. Identify the scope for each test and identify any special considerations that need to be addressed.

5. Create a list of at least five testing activities for each audit.

6. Provide recommendations for securing the database that are unique to Oracle.

7. Provide recommendations for securing the database that are unique to MySQL.

8. Provide recommendations for securing the database that are unique to SQL Server.

Reference no: EM131182256

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