Implement a web site for visitors to explore restaurants

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM131654756

Web Design and Programming Assignment

Tasks: Implement a web site for visitors to explore restaurants in your area (Canberra city for UC Bruce campus, or Sydney city for Sydney Liverpool campus, or Melbourne city for Melbourne campus). Users are able to find at least 6 restaurants grouped according to cuisine (at least 3, e.g. Australian, Italian, Thai) or dishes (at least 3, for example fish & chips, pasta, and dumplings), or price (at least 3, for example cheap eats, mid-range and fine dining). Users are able to find all of these restaurants on a Google map and access to the web page for a chosen restaurant from this map.


1. Template, language, Bootstrap and semantic HTML5:

a. ASP.NET Core Web Application in Visual Studio 2015. Language: C#[-15 marks if this template and C# language are not used].

b. Use Bootstrap in ASP.NET Core Web Application and media query for responsive web design [-10 marks if Bootstrap and media query are not used].

c. Use semantic HTML5 elements whenever possible[-5 marks if no semantic HTML5 element is found].

2. Web Site:

a. Home page: to introduce your web site and 6 restaurants. Brief information on cuisine, dishes, price and location is found on this home page. Details are shown below.

b. Restaurants page: to list the 6 restaurants found on the restaurants page. Brief information on cuisine, dishes, price and location is found on this restaurants page. Details are shown below.

c. Cuisine page: to list the 6 restaurants found on the home page in different cuisines (at least 3, e.g. Australian, Italian, and Thai). Details are shown below.

d. Dishes page: to list the restaurants found on the home page in different dishes (at least 3, for example fish & chips, pasta, and dumplings). Details are shown below.

e. Price page: to list the restaurants found on the home page in different prices (at least 3, for example cheap eats, mid-range and fine dining). Details are shown below.

f. Location page: to display a Google map with markers for all restaurants. Each marker provides name, image and excerpt for the selected restaurant and a hyperlink to the web page for this restaurant. Details are shown below.

g. Handle all exceptions that may occur at runtime (- 1 mark for each exception found). Make sure your web site provides the same display in the following web browsers: Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer (- 2 marks if not the same).

Details -

  • Below are 6 restaurants in Canberra, students in Sydney or Melbourne are required to change them to restaurants in Sydney or Melbourne city. You can choose other restaurants in your city as long as those restaurants have their own website and location on Google Map.
  • The design must be the same as you see on the screenshots below. You can replace (but not delete) the images below with your own images but their design (image size, position, margin, etc. remain the same). You can also replace (but not delete) the text contents below with your own text contents but their design (font type, font size, position, margin, etc. remain the same).

Need it as per the guidelines.

Assignment Files -

Reference no: EM131654756

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Submission: A .zip file that contains your web project and a Word file for your name and your student ID. Submit this file via Moodle (report is not required). Late submission: 5% of the total mark (i.e., 0.75 mark) per day. Information on how to apply for extension is in the unit outlines. The design must be the same as you see on the screenshots below. You can replace(but not delete) the images below with your own images but their design (image size, position, margin, etc. remain the same). You can also replace(but not delete) the text contents below with your own text contents but their design (font type, font size, position, margin, etc. remain the same). Note: Parallax scrolling technique is applied to this dark background image, you can see it from the second screenshot below when you scroll down a bit. You will design this web page yourself. The requirement is that this web page has to be consistent with other pages of this website, and a jQuery method is applied.

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