Reference no: EM133335076
Technical Prototype
Your company has a 20-per cent rule; this is where you can spend a full day of your working week exploring, creating and building on an innovative project that might bring big opportunities in the future. You have decided to use this time to implement a technical prototype of a game idea. You have many game ideas that you would like to implement; these include ideas that are innovative, wild and not seen before. But, to progress your career, you want to create a technical prototype that will be fun to play, be completed in the allocated time and be able to showcase your developer skills.
This coursework is a project in pairs (pair coding). The main objective of this coursework is for you to implement a technical prototype using four core components often used in Video Games. You will need to demonstrate and explain your running code for this coursework. This coursework counts towards 40 marks (40%) of your overall mark for this course.
Tools, Libraries and Environment
The following are required for your coursework:
• Unity Games Engine (LTS).
The following tools are recommended but not required for the development of your programming demo:
• Visual Studio IDE
• Your own machine or Heriot-Watt Windows PCs.
• Other add-ons in Package Manager (e.g. Cinemachine / Probuilder / NavMesh / other standard packages).
• External assets to create your level and characters (e.g. 3D models, sounds, animations).
The following are not allowed for your coursework:
• Bolt Visual Scripting Package.
• A* Pathfinding or other projects simplifying development in the four core components.
• Any Unity add-on or package implementing most of the coding functionality requested.
• Other game engines (e.g. Unreal Engine, Godot, etc.).
• For 2022-2023, Zombie characters are not allowed.
To complete this coursework, you will need to create a prototype of a couple of levels (2D or 3D), re-using assets and code between levels, including a game mechanic that interacts with the following required components in your level:
1. Objects/characters affected by rigid body physics (inc. reaction to forces and collisions).
2. Crowd interaction between a group of similar objects/characters (at least a dozen).
3. The logic for objects/characters, including path-planning search (e.g. FSM or Behaviour Trees).
4. Win/lose conditions.
You are required to pair with a student at the same level (e.g. Undergraduates with Undergraduates and Masters with Masters). A discussion board will be available in Canvas to aid the creation of pairs if needed.
Attachment:- Computer Games Programming.rar