Implement a system that keeps track of students and courses

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Reference no: EM132268523

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In this assignment you are to implement a system that keeps track of students, courses and enrollments. Your system should be able to have enrollment and un-enrollment capability and it should be able to answer the queries described below:


What it means?

enroll student_firstname student_ lastname course_name

Enroll the student in that course. If already enrolled do nothing.

unenroll student_firstname student_ lastname course_name

Drop that course for that student If not enrolled do nothing.

grade student_firstname student_lastname course_name grade

Grade that student for that course! If not enrolled already do nothing.

ave course_name

Ave grade of the class (ignore ungraded). If no one is graded, print 0.

gpa student_firstname student_lastname

Compute the gpa of the student in their current courses (assume every course has same number of credits). If not graded print 0.

count course_name

Total number of enrollments in the given class.

topstudent course_name

Find the top student of the class. If no one is graded, print WA". If more than one student are top students (same maximum grade), print them separated by comma and space.

findmutual student_firstname student_lastname

Name of the students who take two or more classes together with the given student. Print first name and last names (with a space between them) separated by a comma (and space). If no one is found print "N/A".

listcourses student_fname student_lastname

List courses that the student is enrolled in. Separate each with a comma and a space (e.g. "programming in c, java fundamentals"). Print "N/A" if not enrolled in any.

findfirstnames students_lastname

Print all the students' first names that share the same last name (comma space separated). Print 'A" if no one matches the last name.

First, the number of students (N) and courses (M) is given in the first line (space separated). Then the name of the students is given in the next N following lines. First name and last name is given separated by space in each line. Then the name of the courses follows in M lines (a course name may contain spaces so the whole line will be the course's name).

Then comes a series of queries with the syntax defined above. For each query, print the result in a newline (except enroll, unenroll and grade). Queries an be either upper or lower case. One way of handling this, is to change everything to lowercase first and have selection statements on lowercase string literals. In all cases, if there are multiple results (course or student names), print them separated by comma-space (e.g. john doe, jane doe, john smith) in a newline. Everything should be printed in lower case. All the floating point numbers must be printed to exactly two decimal places. Exit the program if command "quit" is given in input.

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Reference no: EM132268523

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