Implement a simple number guessing game using html

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM13805519

Your assignment is to implement a simple number guessing game using HTML forms and a CGI script. The HTML page should introduce the game and provide a form for the user to guess a number. When the form is submitted, the target CGI script should check for cookies containing the number to be guessed and the number of guesses so far. If the cookies don't exist, the script should generate a new number to guess and initialize the guess counter. The script should return an HTML form indicating whether the guess was high, low, or correct. The form should also indicate how many guesses so far, and allow the user to enter another guess. The script should also send the two cookies. When the user has guessed correctly, the script should generate a new value for the number-to-be-guessed cookie and reset the guess counter cookie.

Reference no: EM13805519

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