Implement a simple login and password system

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM13705194

You are to implement a simple login and password system. Your system should allow for TEN (10) usernames and their associated passwords to be stored. When the user enters a username, your program should look through the list of usernames to find the index where that specific username is located, and then use this index to find the correct password.

If the password provided is correct, the user must be told ‘Access granted' and the program should terminate. If the password is not correct, the user must be told the password is incorrect and given another attempt to enter the correct password. If the second attempt fails, a third attempt must be provided.

If the password is entered incorrectly a third time, that specific username should be ‘locked out', so that future attempts to login are always met with failure. However, it should be possible to log in to other accounts.

If a user correctly logs in to an account, the number of failed attempts on that account should be reset.

Your program should include code for allowing accounts and usernames to be entered up to the limits of the system. It should also allow for accounts to be deleted. Your program will need to perform the following operations:

- Add username and password combinations, up to a limit of ten.
- Delete username and password combinations.
- Login to an existing account with a username and password combination.

- If no account in present with the indicated username, it should indicate so to the user.
- It should display ‘Access Granted' if the combination is correct.
- It should allow a second and third attempt to enter the password if the combination is not correct. After the third failed attempt, it should output

‘Access denied - account locked out.

- Lockout a single account once someone has failed to enter the correct password three times.

- Lockout all accounts once there have been ten login failures in a row.

Task 1:

The algorithms you produce to implement the above functionality.

Task 2:

Providing a program that works correctly according to the brief above.

Task 3:

The testing data selected.

Task 4:

The desk checks undertaken.

Reference no: EM13705194

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