Implement a reverse polish calculator in marie

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM131458659

Implement the following in MARIE.


I want you to implement a reverse polish calculator in MARIE. This calculator must be implemented with or support the following requirements.

- Stack-Based (not a fake stack, a true, potentially very, very large stack, stored
- below all the instructions and other variables)
Proper subroutines using JNS calls for each "sub process" of your code
- All inputs and outputs must be in ASCII (not integer or decimal)
- The ASCII inputs of +, -, *, /, %, and ^ should properly perform the
corresponding integer arithmetic operations. These should operate stack based using
RPN (i.e. the operation should pop the top two elements, perform the operation, then
push the result back on the stack).
? +: A B + = A + B
? -: A B - = A - B
? *: A B * = A * B
? /: A B / = A / B (integer division, no remainder) (e.g. 14 / 4 = 3)
? %: A B % = A % B (modulus, ONLY the remainder of the division) (e.g. 14 % 4 = 2)
? ^: A B ^ = AB (i.e. A raised to the B, or A multiplied by itself B times)
- Each arithmetic operation should be implemented as a subroutine. You
shouldn't need to worry about parameters, since the subroutine should access the
- stack pointer and pop the top two values itself.
ASCII letters will be input to execute command functions
? c = Clears the stack
? d = Duplicates the value on the top of the stack, pushing another copy of it
? r = Reverses the order of the top two values on the stack
? p = Prints the value on the top of the stack without modifying the stack (Peek

command). Prints a blank line (or a space) after.

? n = Prints the value on the top of the stack, popping it off. Prints a blank line (or a space) after.

? f = Prints the entire stack, starting from the beginning (bottom) of the stack. Prints a blank line (or a space) after.

? q = Exits the program

Significant points will be lost for the following errors/mistakes:

- Submission not in .mar format

- Submission lacking clear quality comments

- Submission does not compile

- Program does not perform accurate arithmetic

Reference no: EM131458659

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