Implement a restricted form of classic problem of arithmetic

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM132241777

Assignment -

Overview - In this assignment, you implement a restricted form of the classic problem of simplifying arithmetic expressions. You first implement two simplification operations, then a general algorithm to transform such expressions into a normal form.

The main restriction is that we only deal with the operations +, -, and *, and that the arguments are only integers and a single variable symbol x. Therefore, all expressions eventually simplify to apolynomial in x, with integer coefficients.


We have two main types of expressions in this assignment: Assignment 2 expressions or A2Expr are built as explained above, and polynomials in x or PExpr are represented in a specific short form.

1. Write a Lisp function: (remove-identities E)

2. Write a Lisp function: (simplify-zeroes E)

3.1 - Write a Lisp function: (simplify E)

BONUS QUESTION - Does the order of calls to remove-identities and simplify-zeroes in simplify matter? Could we get a different final result in simplify if we called these two functions in a different order?

  • If your answer is yes, give an example with two different call sequences with different results.
  • If your answer is no, give a good logical argument for why.

4. Write a Lisp function: (normalize P)

5. Write a Lisp function: (polynomial E)

5.1 Write two Lisp functions: (poly-add P1 P2) (poly-subtract P1 P2)

For these two functions, the inputs P1 and P2 are PExpr in normal form. The output should be the sum (for poly-add) or difference (for poly-subtract) of the two PExpr, also in normal form. See poly-add, poly-subtract examples in public tests.

5.2 Write a Lisp function: (poly-multiply P1 P2)

Again, the inputs P1 and P2 as well as the output are PExpr in normal form. See poly-multiply examples in public tests.

5.3 Implement polynomial, using the three helper functions.

Hint: use recursion, with the base cases:

1. integer n - represent by (n . 0)

2. atom x - represent by (1 . 1)

See polynomial examples in public tests.

6. Printing a PExpr in normal form.

Write a Lisp function: (print-pexpr P)

Instructions - Need to be done with LISP languages.

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Reference no: EM132241777

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2/24/2019 9:50:28 PM

Instructions - This is my assignment's requirements, it need to be done with LISP languages. Could you please have a look it, and I just wondering how much is it. Update 2: fixed typo in Question 2, (0 * Exp) changed to (* Exp 0). Added test cases 2.8, 3.9. 3.10 in a2-public-tests.lisp to cover more variations of multiply by zero. Update 20: added missing case (- Exp 0) in Question 1. I regret this omission, but at this point it seems easier to change the specification rather than rework all test cases to follow the old spec. Hints: To compute the product of two PExpr, "multiply them out" and normalize the result.

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