Implement a queue using a vector or the std

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM132084360

Task 1:

Implement a Queue on a char [] array. Do not use ::Queue:: class from the STD library for this example.

The user will input a string and the program will return the string with each letter in the string duplicated. Displaying correct Queue implementation.

Utilize the conventional static methods as needed.




Sample Execution

Please input String:



Task 2:

Implement a Queue using a vector or the STD ::queue:: class

Note the difference in what it takes to implement using a static char[] array vs a vector or the STD ::queue:: class

The user will input a string and the program will return the string with each letter in the string duplicated. Displaying correct Queue implementation.

Utilize the conventional static methods as needed.




Sample Execution

Please input String:



Reference no: EM132084360

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