Implement a python program

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Reference no: EM132163643

Project: MIPS mini SIM

For this project, you will implement a python program, which takes as input a text file

1. Result of run: end content of PC, $1 - $7, and Dynamic Instruction Count

2. Cycle number details, in the following cases:
a. a multi-cycle MIPS CPU:
i. total # of cycles, breakdown of the 3 / 4 / 5 cycle instructions
ii. instruction by instruction information
b. a pipelined MIPS CPU (assuming branches are resolved at the 2nd ID stage, and all the forwarding paths supported to solve data hazard):
i. total # of cycles, breakdown on the total # of stalls inserted to deal with control & data hazards
ii. instruction by instruction information

3. Cache access behavior of lw instructions: provide cache access log, hit / miss info for each lw instruction, and hit rate of the program.
a. with a directly mapped cache with block size of 4 words, a total of 2 blocks.
b. with a directly mapped cache with block size of 2 words, a total of 4 blocks.
c. with a fully-associated cache, with block size of 2 words, a total of 4 blocks.
d. with a 2-way set-associative cache with block size of 2 words, 4 sets, (therefore a total of 16 blocks)

4. Extra credit: supporting any set-associative cache configurations by allowing the user to input block size (# of words), # of ways, and # of sets.

Assume the following limited support / subset of MIPS ISA for your program:
- Instructions: add, sub, xor, addi, beq, bne, slt, lw, sw
- Registers: $0 (always = 0), $1 - $7
- data memory address range: [0x2000, 0x3000)
- instruction memory address range: [0x0000, 0x1000)
- All the registers / data memory content are initialized to be 0
- The program will end at a dead loop "label: beq $0, $0, label" the machine code of which is 0x1000FFFF

Your python code should be able to read the file containing a valid MIPS program in hex, simulates its running, and correctly output the relevant information.

You should be able to use MARS to partially help verifying your code. For example, the behavior of the following code can be checked by MARs.

Attachment:- Project assignment.rar

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The assignment demands a python program to write MIPS program in hex that should contain text file named i_mem.txt. Different question based on program were answered.

Reference no: EM132163643

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12/19/2018 3:24:38 AM

vc they wanted to check for part 1 and part 2 and i got a response back i need to have the simulator done with mips isa. and pc should have the right instructions. when i run the file it does not run. can you show me what the simulator does for you. "30881729_1Projec t4-v1 PA PB1.pdf" he needs to use that to do the project part 1,2,3,4 in like a pdf. screenshots would be great as well the programs that are required to demonstrate for simulator of project 4. 30881729_1Project4-v1 PA PB1.pdf They have highly experienced staff and they did it in so professional manner that my professor appreciated me for my assignment. The rates are quite affordable


12/19/2018 3:24:21 AM

python programming idk if he used the ISA but its supposed to be MIPS. the code i provided you have to use that code and simulate it. i have attached my friends output its suppose to be like that. do not copy it please. its due thursday night so please try to do it before that 30881749_1p4 output imem A1.txt this following is what i need to submit can you please send me the following. file name is on the left and right has the description of it Python simulator for your ISA p4_output_imem_A1.txt: result screen output for program A1 p4_output_imem_A2.txt: result screen output for program A2 p4_output_imem_B1.txt: result screen output for program B1 p4_output_imem_B2.txt: result screen output for program B2


12/19/2018 3:23:13 AM

python programming idk if he used the ISA but its supposed to be MIPS. the code i provided you have to use that code and simulate it. i have attached my friends output its suppose to be like that. do not copy it please. its due thursday night so please try to do it before that 30881749_1p4 output imem A1.txt this following is what i need to submit can you please send me the following. file name is on the left and right has the description of it

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