Implement a program for special atm machine

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13705193

Message : A charitable organization wants to design a special ATM machine to be used by needy people.

The association supplies the needy person with a pin number to be able to use the ATM machine.

He/she can then retrieve up to $150 per day depending on his/her needs (if possible less than $150 as contracted with the association).

The total daily balance of the machine is $2000. When this amount is used nobody can retrieve anything further.

The person in charge of checking the balance, filling the machine and shutting down the machine (by pressing -1) has pin code 111.

Implement a program for this machine. Your program must start by displaying a main menu as follows: 


1- Retrieve money

2- C heck Balance 

Enter your choice:

When the user chooses menu item 1:

- he will be asked to enter his pin code and the code will be validated

- a valid pin code must be between 4000 - 6000 and should be divisible by 2

- If the pin is valid the user specifies the amount to retrieve which should be between $0 and $150

- If amount is not within this range keep asking the user to enter another value

- The amount must be smaller or equal to the ATM balance else indicate that there is not enough money and keep asking the user to enter another value less or equal to the ATM balance

- The amount must be retrieved from the total ATM balance

- If an amount was successfully retrieved, let the program display the dollar amount as bills and coins

The charitable association wants to have as many high denomination bills and coins as possible. The highest denomination bill that they would receive is a $20 bill and they wi ll not receive any half dollar coins 

For example, $62.30 would be split into 
3-$20 bills 
0-$10 dollar bills 
0-$5 bills 
2-$1 bills 
0 dimes 

Note that: 1 quarter = $0.25, 1 dime = $0.1, 1 nickel = $0.05, 1 penny = $0.01 

- If the pin code was not valid display an error message 
- After displaying the result the user must enter 0 to return to the main menu after clearing the screen (google it) 
- Make sure to validate all your input and guide the user to enter correct values 

When the user chooses menu item 2:

- he will be asked to enter his pin code

- If the pin code is 111 the balance is displayed else an error message is displayed

- After displaying the balance, the user must enter -1 to shutdown the machine or 0 to go back to the main menu after clearing the screen

- Make sure to validate all your input and guide the user to enter correct values 

Reference no: EM13705193

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