Implement a program for displays a maze of ascii symbols

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13820708

Write TWO separate programs.

Design and implement a C++ program for the following TWO specifications.

Style marks will be awarded for:

- program compiles with no error or warning messages.
- program layout is appropriate, using indenting, braces lined up, etc.
- program is commented appropriately.
- variable names and data types are appropriate.

Assignment 1(a) Random Maze

Write a new C++ program with the following functionality:

- The program writes a greeting on the screen.
- Then the program displays a maze of ASCII symbols on the screen.
- The maze consists of 8 rows and 8 columns of characters.

In each column/row there can be one of the following symbols:

ASCII-code  Symbol 
179 ¦ 
180 ¦ 
32 (space)

- The first row of the maze is +-- --+ (ASCII codes 218, 196, 196, 32, 32, 196, 196, 191).
- The eighth row of the maze is +-- --+ (ASCII codes 192, 196, 196, 32, 32, 196, 196, 217).
- The first and last symbol of rows 2-7 of the maze are ASCII code 179.
- The ASCII symbols of the inner part of the maze are selected randomly from the above list.
- Each run of the program should display a different maze.

It is not possible to enter these symbols into your program code from the keyboard. However it is possible to use cout to display these symbols using their ASCII codes, as follows:

cout << (char)104 << (char)101 << (char)108 << (char)108 << (char)111 << endl;

The notation (char) is a "type cast" that changes the data type of the following number from int to char, so that cout treats the number as an ASCII code of a char, and displays the corresponding character instead of the number value itself.

Assignment - Calculator

Write a new C++ program that allows the user to perform simple calculations using to the following steps:

1. The program writes a greeting on the screen.

2. The program writes a short message (about one line) describing how to use it.

3. The program lets the user enter a number.

4. The program lets the user enter an operator.

5. The program lets the user enter a number.

6. If the operator equals "+", then the program calculates and displays the sum of the two numbers entered by the user.

7. The program can also compute and display the result for "-", "*", "/"

8. If the operator is not +, -, *, or /, then the program terminates.

9. If the program does not terminate, then it repeats these operations from step 2.

Reference no: EM13820708

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