Reference no: EM13821355
Answer the following question in a questionary format, with at least 50 word count for each question. Please include at least two governmnet agencies references.
1. Discuss reasons why employers might want to implement a profit sharing plan, while employees might prefer a pension plan.
2. Discuss the rationale behind the different vesting schedules and explain why an employer might choose one vesting schedule over another
3. Discuss unique tax implications of ESOPs/stock bonus plans.
4. Discuss the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to ESOPs as compared or contrasted to those more generally relating to stock bonus plans.
5. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of savings or thrift plans, especially considering different employee age and income levels.
6. Discuss ways in which contributions from higher-income employees may be limited.
7. Discuss similarities and differences between Section 401(k) plans and other qualified profit sharing plans.
8. Discuss the rules governing distribution of elective deferrals prior to retirement, including the special "hardship" guidelines.
9. Discuss situations in which an employer might want to implement an age-weighted plan.
10. Discuss benefits and problems related to cross-tested plans in general as compared with fixed-formula age-weighted plans.