Implement a priority queue as a heap using the stl vector

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131489083

Question: • Implement a Priority Queue as a Heap using the STL Vector

1. Heap class should, as a minimum, have public enqueue(),dequeue(), andprint() function members

2. Node and Heap classes and functions should be generic (alpha or numeric) but themain() will implement it as integer values

3. The program will transform the following list of numbers into a priority queue structure and print out the elements in a top-down, left-right format on a single line delimited by spaces or commas

2, 8, 6, 1, 10, 15, 3, 12, 11

4. Once the priority queue is created the user will be able to perform as manyenqueue ordequeue operations on the priority queue as they wish

• After eachenqueue ordequeue the program will print the current priority queue in the same format as above 5.Neatness (readability and formatting) counts when it comes to your user interface.

Reference no: EM131489083

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