Reference no: EM133779623
Algorithms and Analysis
Assignment: Exploring Maze Generation and Solving Algorithms
In this assignment, you will implement a maze generator and solver that handle weighted mazes. You will implement specific tasks focused on generating and solving the maze using different approaches, including both optimal and heuristic-based solutions.
Learning Outcome 1: Compare, contrast, and apply the key algorithmic design paradigms: brute force, divide and conquer, decrease and conquer, transform and conquer, greedy, dynamic programming and iterative improvement;
Learning Outcome 2: Define, compare, analyse, and solve general algorithmic problem types: sorting, searching, graphs and geometric;
Learning Outcome 3: Theoretically compare and analyse the time complexities of algorithms and data structures; and
Learning Outcome 4: Implement, empirically compare, and apply fundamental algorithms and data structures to real-world problems.
In Assignment 1, we explored 2D mazes and implemented two data structures to represent and store them. In this assignment, we will extend our work to weighted mazes. Instead of considering uniform cell weights, where every cell has the same value, we will introduce two distinct weighting strategies: random weighting and checkered weighting. These weighted mazes will influence how paths are generated and solved, as each path's cost will now depend on the sum of edge weights.
In our weighted maze, each cell is assigned a weight, representing the difficulty level to traverse that cell. You can think of it as travelling through different types of terrain in a game: moving between cells with the same weight attracts no additional cost, but switching between cells of different weights requires a higher cost, reflecting the difficulty of transitioning between different terrains.
Figure 1 shows two examples of weighted mazes corresponding to two different weighting approach. For simplicity, weighted mazes will have cell weights ranging from 1 to 4, depending on the strategy used:
Random Weighting (Figure 1, left): Each cell is randomly assigned a weight between 1 and 4.
Checkered Weighting (Figure 1, right): Cell weights follow a checkered pattern similar to a chessboard. However, instead of alternating between two weights (as in a traditional chessboard), we will use four distinct weights to create a more complex pattern.
Two weighted mazes where the weights are generated by either the random approach (left) or the checkered approach. The cell colours correspond to the weight of the cell ranging from dark blue (1) to red (4).
In both cases, boundary cells (representing walls or buffer zones around the maze) will be assigned a weight of 0.
Figure 2 shows the edge weights for the first (bottom) row of the random weights presented in Figure 1. The objective remains to find a path from an entrance to an exit, ensuring that the paths adhere to the constraints imposed by the maze's weights. Weighted mazes offer additional challenges, as paths with fewer steps may not always be the optimal solution due to higher cell weights. The cost of a path in our set up is the sum of the edge weights between the cells on that path, and the goal is to minimize this total cost. To facilitate navigation in the maze, entrances and exits are defined in the same way as in Assignment 1. Also, similar to Assignment 1, we will focus on perfect mazes where there is always a path from the entrance to the exit, ensuring full connectivity between all cells. Our aim is to develop and implement both generation and solving algorithms for these weighted mazes.
Figure 2: The vertices and edges representing the partial maze shown above. Edge weights capture the absolute difference between the weights of adjacent cells. The total cost of a path from the leftmost to the rightmost cell (or vice versa) is the sum of these edge weights, i.e., 1 + 3 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 0 = 12.
Assessment details
The assignment is broken up into a number of tasks, to help you progressively complete the project. Please note that although completing one task can assist with subsequent tasks, each task can be attempted independently. Except for the empirical analysis section of Task X, no task is dependent on the completion of another.
Task A: Maze Generation and Solver Implementation
To gain a better understanding of how weighted mazes are generated and solved, you will implement a maze generator and a maze solver in this Task. We also provide an implementation for you to study the problem, and to allow you to progress with sub- sequent steps if you cannot get your own maze generator and solver working. See the provided skeleton code for additional information on how we implemented the Recursive Backtracking maze generator and solver. You are required to understand and implement a weighted maze generator using Kruskal's algorithm and a weighted maze solver using Dijkstra's algorithm:
Maze Generators
Recursive BackTracking Maze Generator (provided) The recursive back- tracking maze generator is essentially a DFS generator. Starting with a maze with walls between all adjacent pairs of cells, it randomly selects a cell in the maze, and perform a DFS traversal of the whole maze, from that initial cell. During the DFS traversal, we generate all the unvisited neighbours of the current cell, and select the closest neighbour to the current cell (the neighbour with the least distance in cell weights). When we go to an unvisited cell, we remove/destroy the wall between the current cell to the selected unvisited neighbouring cell. If there is no unvis- ited neighbouring cell from our current one, we backtrack to the cell we were at previously. The DFS ends when we have visited all the cells in the maze.
Kruskal's Maze Generator (required) This algorithm also starts with a maze with walls between all adjacent pairs of cells, and whilst for an unweighted maze the algorithm would treat the walls equally, in a weighted maze the walls need to be ordered based on their edge weights in an ascending manner. The algorithm then processes each wall in the order, checking if removing the wall would connect two previously disconnected sections of the maze (using a union-find data structure to manage the connected components). If removing the wall connects two distinct sections, the wall is removed, and the two sections are merged into a single connected component. If removing the wall does not connect two sections, it is left in place. The union-find data structure will be briefly discussed during the lectorials to help you with this task.
Maze Solvers
Recursive BackTracking Maze Solver (provided) The recursive backtracking maze solver is the equivalent of the recursive backtracking maze generator. It starts at an entrance, and from the current cell, finds the closest unvisited neighbouring cell and go there (and mark it visited). Then it continues until either it reaches an exit, or a dead end, by which then it backtracks to a cell where there is at least one unvisited neighbour.
Dijkstra's Maze Solver (required) Dijkstra's solver starts by initialising the distance at the entrance to 0 and infinity to all other cells. Using a priority queue (remember our discussion on heaps?), the algorithm iteratively explores the neigh- boring cells with the smallest distance. For each cell, it updates the distances to its neighboring cells based on the sum of the current cell's distance to the neighbor, i.e., the difference between the current cell's weight and the weight of its neighbours. If a shorter path to a neighbor is found, the distance is updated, and the neighbor is added to the priority queue for further exploration. This process continues until the algorithm reaches an exit or all reachable cells (including other exits) have been processed.
Task B: Brute Force Solver for All Entrance-Exit Pairs
In this task, you are required to devise and implement a brute force algorithm to find non-overlapping paths in a weighted maze. The goal is to compute multiple paths from a set of entrances to a corresponding set of exits, ensuring that the paths do not overlap, i.e., no cell is used by more than one path. In this task You will need to check all possible combinations of paths between the entrance-exit pairs to find a valid set of non- overlapping paths and if there are multiple sets of such paths, report the option with the shortest total distance.
To help you get started, select one of the solvers, either provided or implemented by you, and solve the problem where we have one entrance and exit pairs. Once you solved this, then extend this to the case where there are multiple entrance-exit pairs. To help us understand your solution, write a report of up to one page as part of this task, in addition to your implementation.
Task C: Greedy Solver for All Entrance-Exit Pairs
In this task, you are required to design and implement a greedy algorithm to compute non- overlapping paths in a weighted maze. The goal is to find paths from a set of entrances to a corresponding set of exits, ensuring that the paths do not overlap (i.e., no cell is used by more than one path). The algorithm should incorporate heuristics to guide the selection of paths. You are free to choose and justify the heuristics that you think will yield the best results.
Along with the implementation, include a maximum 1-page report to discuss and justify the heuristics you used and why you believe they will lead to efficient path-finding when solving all entrance-exit pairs in a maze.
Assumptions and Considerations for Task B & C
One-to-One Mapping of Entrances and Exits: The number of entrances is equal to the number of exits. For simplicity, assume that each entrance is paired with a corresponding exit in the same order they are provided in the configuration files.
The set of paths that meet the non-overlapping criterion may not be the shortest path available between the corresponding entrance-exit pairs. We are interested in minimising the total cost for all paths instead of finding the shortest path for each pair.
Perfect Maze Assumption: Since we are working with perfect mazes, it is guaranteed that a path exists from each entrance to each exit. However, it is not guaranteed that a valid solution with non-overlapping paths will always exist.
Handling No Solution: If it is impossible to find a set of non-overlapping paths between all the entrance-exit pairs, your program should return False, indicating that no valid solution exists (see the code skeleton for more details).
Efficiency Considerations: Given the brute force nature of the task, the algorithm will be slow for larger mazes. In this assignment we will only consider up to 10 by 10 mazes with maximum 3 entrance-exit pairs.
Task D: Performance Evaluation and Comparison
In this task, you are required to write a report of up to two pages and evaluate the performance of your greedy algorithm in Task C compared to the brute force solution developed in Task B. The objective is to assess both algorithms in terms of time efficiency and correctness.
To complete this task, you should first analyze how each algorithm performs with respect to time. This involves measuring how long each algorithm takes to find solutions as the maze size and complexity (in terms of the number of entrance-exit pairs). You should test your mazes, varying the cell weights and generators if possible, and document the time differences observed. You will need to also compare the total path costs produced by the greedy algorithm and the brute force approach, and determine whether the greedy method results in solutions that are close to those found by brute force.
Whether or not you have implemented the solver in Task C and/or B, provide a detailed discussion outlining the expected time complexity of the devised algorithms for each task as well as how you think the two approaches (brute force and greedy) would scale with larger mazes.
Your solutions will be tested against our own set of mazes, and marks will be awarded based on a ranking system. This ranking will consider both the correctness and efficiency of your solution. The more accurately and quickly your algorithms perform compared to ours, the higher your score will be for this task. More details will be shared later in the lectorial sessions.
Task E: Recorded Interview
After your implementations and report are submitted, you will be asked to record your responses to a number of questions in Canvas. These questions will ask you about aspects of your implementation or report. You'll have a set time to consider the questions, make a recording then upload that recording.
Code Framework
We provide Python skeleton code (see Table 1) to help you get started and ensure we have consistent interfacing so we can have consist correctness testing.
We also listed the files that you really need to modify/implement. Unlike Assignment 1, there are more files you need to implement, hence see Table 1 to confirm those.
Report Structure
As a guide, the report could contain the following sections:
Your solution for Task B, and the rationale or justification behind it. (up to 1 page in length)
Your solution for Task C, and the rationale or justification behind it. (up to 1 page in length)
A detailed reflection in Task B and Task C algorithms. (up to 2 pages in length)
You can also have an appendix, which doesn't count towards the overall page count.