Implement a logging server and client

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM131684823

Question - Your task in exercise is to implement a logging server and client.

The client is a program that takes 2 arguments:

* A hostname of a logging server, for example

* A port number of the logging server, for example 5555

After it started, it will connect to the server and read messages from STDIN. Every message is a string without 0 bytes. Messages are terminated by a newline character \n. When there is nothing to read anymore or SIGINT, or SIGTERM is received, it will close the connection and terminate with return code 0.

When there is an internal problem, such as the connection to the server breaks, an input cannot be parsed or a similar problem, the return code should be 1. Also you should print an error message that describes the internal error to STDERR.

The server is a program that takes 2 arguments:

* The port number to bind to, for example 5555

* A filename of a file to write the logs to, for example: /var/log/messages.log

After the server is started, it will bind to the port and listen for incoming connections. For every connection, the server will read messages and write them to the logfile. The format of the logfile is always a line number in decimal followed by a space followed by the message itself with a \n newline character at the end. When SIGINT or SIGTERM is received, the server will terminate. When it cannot bind to the port, it will return with return code 1. When a certain file cannot be opened or writing to a file fails, you should write an error message to STDERR but continue to operate.

The server should be able to handle inputs that are not properly formatted and should never crash. The client should also be able to handle any kind of unexpected responses from the server or invalid lines in the input or command line argument.

# Language and project format

You should implement your project in C and compile it with gcc from the course VM. You are required to use '-D_POSIX_SOURCE -Wall -Werror -pedantic -std=c99 -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread' as command line arguments. You will write a Makefile that will compile the project to three binaries, namely "serverSingle", "serverThreaded" and "client" as the default target. Do not use any files or directory with the prefix "test", since we will use such files for running tests. Your solution must be contained in a folder exercise2 in your project on the School's git server. The folder exercise2 must be at the top level your project for the marking scripts to work.

We will run the command make in the folder exercise2 in order to obtain all required binaries.

# Parallelism

This tasks consists of two sub-tasks.

In the first task, you just need to implement a server that handles a single connection at a time. For a perfect implementation, you will receive at most 10 points. Your result must compile to serverSingle.

In the second task, you will implement a multi-threaded server that handles in general an arbitrary number connections in parallel, as long as system resources are available. For a perfect implementation, you will receive at most 10 points. Your result must compile to serverThreaded.

Of course, every correct solution of serverThreaded is also a correct solution for serverSingle. So when you are confident, feel free to start with serverThreaded directly and just copy the result to serverSingle.

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Reference no: EM131684823

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10/20/2017 5:25:34 AM

Subject: Operating System. No Of Pages/Words: code. Message: linux c. The critical section in serverThreaded should be as short as possible. The server must not leak memory. Any code which does not compile on the virtual machine provided will be awarded 0 marks and not be reviewed.


10/20/2017 5:25:24 AM

Submission consists of pushing your solution to your project as specified above; the last submission before the submission deadline has ended counts as your submission. It is worth trying out submission well before the deadline even if the solution is not correct yet. In Canvas we had to select "Submission on Paper", since the "Submission in external tool" option is broken. However, this is just a workaround: please do not submit any paper solutions.

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