Reference no: EM133701151
Purpose - To measure the student's ability to implement and/or use complex data structures (e.g., hash tables and binary search trees) to solve an underlying problem in C++.
The Mythos Creatures are legendary creatures that have existed since the dawn of time, each embodying the elemental forces of nature. These beings maintain balance and protect the world from chaos. Each Mythos Creature is a guardian of a specific domain, from fiery mountains and frozen tundras to enchanted forests and vast oceans. They possess unique powers that reflect their elemental origins and are revered by those who understand their true nature. As the world changed, the Mythos Creature adapted, forming an intricate web of life that ensures harmony and stability across the realms. Tales of their exploits are passed down through generations, inspiring awe, and respect for the natural world they so fiercely protect.
As a seasoned creature tracker, you've dedicated your life to studying these elusive Mythos Creatures. From the fiery peaks where the Blazefox reigns to the icy expanses patrolled by the majestic Frostwing, your journey has taken you to the most remote and dangerous corners of the earth. Armed with your knowledge and keen instincts, you track these awe-inspiring beings, unravelling the mysteries of their existence and ensuring that their secrets are preserved and protected from those who would exploit them. Your encounters with the Mythos Creatures are tales of wonder and peril, each discovery bringing you closer to understanding the delicate balance they maintain in the natural world.
This assignment will test your ability to implement a hash table and binary search tree, then use their functionality to implement a creature tracker that will maintain information about the creatures you have encountered along your journey. The creature tracker program will use a binary search tree to store creature details and a hash table (with separate chaining) to store information about the different types of creatures. The creature tracker will then have basic functionality to add creatures, remove creatures, and query various information.
The Supplied Files
This section gives an overview of the files that you are provided as part of this assignment, none of which you should modify. You are not provided with (skeleton) implementation files - you will be expected to create these files from scratch. You are recommended to take some time to understand the overall structure of the program before starting your implementation.
main.cpp - contains the main function and the logic to initialise the creature tracker dictionary and perform basic operations. This file should not be modified.
empty_collection_exception.h - contains the definition of an exception that can be thrown when an operation is attempted on an empty tree. Note: there is no accompanying .cpp file - the .h file contains the complete definition and implementation of the exception. This file should not be modified.
creature.h - contains the header for the Creature class, which includes the instance variables and behaviours that a creature contains. This file should not be modified.
creature_type_stats.h - contains the header for the CreatureTypeStats class, which includes the instance variables and behaviours for the object that maintains information about a particular type of creature. This file should not be modified.
bt_node.h - contains the header for the BTNode class, which includes the instance variables and behaviours that the binary tree node contains. This file should not be modified.
bs_tree.h - contains the header for the BSTree class, which includes the instance variables and behaviours that the binary search tree contains. This file should not be modified.
hash_table.h - contains the header for the HashTable class, which includes the instance variables and behaviours that the hash table contains. This file should not be modified.
creature_tracker.h - contains the header for the CreatureTracker class, which includes the instance variables and behaviours that the creature tracker contains. This file should not be modified.
makefile - the makefile for the project, which outlines the build recipe. The -g flag is set for you to make debugging and/or memory leak detection more convenient, should you wish to use these tools. This file should not be modified.
creatures.txt - a text file containing a list of 250 Mythos Creature records. Each creature has a name, type, and power level. This file should not be modified. You may consider using a smaller version for testing if you wish.
Running the Program
Of course, you will need to ensure the program is compiled prior to running it. You can use the supplied makefile for this - it will produce an executable called CreatureTracker. The program can be executed as normal using the command:
This will read a file named creatures.txt to populate the creature tracker with the data of 250 creatures that you have encountered. Several operations are then performed to test its functionality. However, this testing is not exhaustive and you are encouraged to tester broader functionality. An example of the program execution is shown in Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 - it is provided in 3 separate figures given the length of output. Note: not all output is captured in these screenshots.
The Tasks
The first (and simplest) task is to implement the Creature and CreatureTypeStats classes. These classes will require a few operators to be overloaded such that they can be used in the tree and hash table and be inserted into a stream for printing.
The next task is to implement the templated BTNode, BSTree, and HashTable classes. For each class, you are provided with the header file and must adhere to its definitions. These headers will be substantially similar to those discussed in lecture and lab but may differ in a few minor ways. In particular, the hash table will use std::list for separate chaining and a few function definitions have been modified and/or added for completeness.
Finally, you will use your BSTree and HashTable classes to provide the expected functionality for the CreatureTracker class.
Some additional details about each class are provided below, but you should also examine the documentation in the provided files, which also contains important information about the expected behaviour.
The Creature class is a simple data class that stores information about a creature, particularly its name, type, and power rating. For a full list of methods required and some important details, you should examine the creature.h file and its associated documentation.
The CreatureTypeStats class is a simple data class that stores information about a specific type of creature, particularly the type, a count of the number of creatures of that type, and the
total power of creatures of that type. For a full list of methods required and some important details, you should examine the creature_type_stats.h file and its associated documentation.
The BTNode class is a templated version of a node in a binary tree and should be implemented as discussed in lecture. For a full list of methods required and some important details, you should examine the bt_node.h file and its associated documentation.
The BSTree class is a templated version of a binary search tree and should be implemented recursively as discussed in lecture. For a full list of methods required and some important details, you should examine the bs_tree.h file and its associated documentation.
By default, your binary search tree should print an inorder traversal, but should provide functionality to print according to all three traversals discussed in lecture (namely preorder, postorder, and inorder).
The HashTable class is a templated version of a hash table that uses a linked list for separate chaining and should be implemented as discussed in lecture. For a full list of methods required and some important details, you should examine the hash_table.h file and its associated documentation.
Note: you will notice that hash_table.h contains a few helper methods implemented for you. For example, Figure 1 shows the hash function, which you are expected to use.
Additional helper methods are provided to support operations you will need to perform with the std::list, such as finding, removing, and printing items. You are encouraged to review these methods, and use them where appropriate. Further details about when a helper method may be appropriate are given in hash_table.h.
The CreatureTracker class contains the main logic of the creature tracking process and uses your BSTree and HashTable classes to support the functionality, as further detailed in the header file. Your hash table should be initialised with 101 cells, as is the default size in the header file, but should work for any provided capacity. For a full list of methods required and some important details, you should examine the creature_tracker.h file and its associated documentation.
The add_creature method will accept the name, type, and power of creature and should then record this creature's information. This includes both inserting a Creature object into the tree and adding or updating a CreatureTypeStats object in the hash table. Conversely, the remove_creature method should remove the Creature object from the tree and update the CreatureTypeStats object accordingly. Particularly, the CreatureTypeStats object should be removed from the hash table when no creatures of its type remain.