Implement a gui interface and respond to action events

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131590951

Learning Objectives

Consult the online syllabus for the late and academic integrity policies.

1. Complete all of the learning objects of the previous projects.
2. To implement a GUI interface and respond to action events.
3. To implement and use the binary search algorithm.
4. To implement and use the merge sort algorithm.
5. To implement the Comparable interface.

Software Requirements

Your program shall meet these requirements.

1. Student information for students in a course is stored in a text file named gradebook.txt . There is one student record per line, where the format of a student record is:
last-name first-name hw1 hw2 hw2 hw3 exam1 exam2
last-name The student's last name. A contiguous string of characters.
first-name The student's first name. A contiguous string of characters.
hw1-hw4 The student's scores on four homework assignments, may be zeros.
exam1-exam2 The student's scores on two exams, may be zeros.

Sample gradebook.txt

Simpson  Lisa  25  25  25 25  100 100

Flintstone  Fred  15  17  22  18  80 60

Jetson  George  20  21  22  23  70 83

Explosion  Nathan  5  4  3  2  1 0

Muntz Nelson 20 15 10 5 60     70

Terwilliger  Robert  23  21  19  17  80 90

Flanders  Ned  12  14  17  23  85  95

Bouvier Selma 16 16 16 16 16 16

Spuckler Cletus 1 2 3 4 5 6

Wiggum Clancy 6 5 4 3 2    1

Skinner  Seymour  19  23  21  24  78  83

2. When the program starts, it shall read the contents of gradebook.txt and sort the list of students into ascending order.

3. The program shall implement a GUI which permits the user to interact with the gradebook. Watch the Project 3 video lecture for a demonstration of how the GUI works.

4. When the enters a student's last name in the search text field and clicks the Search button, the homework and exam information for the student shall be displayed in the text fields.

5. When the user clicks the Search button and the search text field is empty an error message dialog shall be displayed.

6. When the enters a last name in the search text field and clicks the Search button, if the student is not found because the last name was entered incorrectly an error message dialog shall be displayed.

7. When the user is editing the information for a student and clicks the Save button, the student record shall be updated (these changes will be written to gradebook.txt when the program exits).

8. When no student record is being edited (the homework and exam text fields are empty) and the user clicks the Save button, nothing shall happen.

9. When the user is editing the information for a student and clicks the Clear button, the homework and exam text fields shall be set to empty and the student record shall not be updated.

10. When the user is editing the information for a student and clicks the Exit button, the student record shall be saved before exiting.

11. Whether the user is editing student information or not, when the Exit button is clicked the student records shall be written to gradebook.txt and the program shall terminate.

Software Design
Refer to the UML class diagram in Section 4.10. Your program shall implement this design.

Main Class
A template for Main is included in the zip archive. The Main class shall contain the main() method which shall instantiate an object of the Main class and call run() on that object. Complete the code by reading the comments and implementing the pseudocode.
CourseConstants Class
The complete CourseConstants class is included in the zip archive. This class simply declares some public static constants that are used in other classes.
A class which reads the gradebook information from gradebook.txt and returns a Roster object which contains the student information. The complete code for this class is provided.
A class which writes the gradebook information to gradebook.txt before the program exits. This class inherits from PrintWriter. This class is very simple. Read the comments and implement the pseudocode.
Stores the student information in an ArrayList<Student> list. Read the comments and implement the pseudocode.

This class shall implement one static method int search(ArrayList<Student> pList) which searches the list of Roster for a student with the specified last name. Since the roster is sorted into ascending order by last name, you shall implement either the iterative or recursive binary search algorithm. The method returns the index of the student in the list or -1 if the student is not found. Template not provided; use the UML class diagram.
A class which implements the quicksort algorithm. All of the method are static and sort(ArrayList<Student> pList) is the only public method and calls private quickSort(pList, 0, pList.size() - 1) to sort the list. Template not provided; use the UML class diagram.
The Student class stores the information for one student. Read the comments and implement the pseudocode.

The View implements the GUI. Read the comments and implement the pseudocode.

UML Class Diagram
The UML class diagram is provided in the zip archive in UMLet format and as a PNG image. Your program shall implement this design.


Additional Project Requirements
1. Format your code neatly. Use proper indentation and spacing. Study the examples in the book and the examples the instructor presents in the lectures and posts on the course website.
2. Put a comment header block at the top of each method formatted thusly:
* A brief description of what the method does.
3. Put a comment header block at the top of each source code file formatted thusly:
// CLASS: classname (
// CSE205 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures, semester and year
// Project Number: project-number
// your-name (your-email-addr)

Attachment:- Java code.rar

Reference no: EM131590951

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