Implement a custom environment for maze game

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Reference no: EM132525036

ITECH7201 Software Engineering: Analysis and Design - Federation University

Overview - For this assignment, you will logically extend the functionality of the Maze Game introduced during the lectures, via the modification of the code base as well as documentation and implementation of various user stories.

Learning outcome 1: Understand the significance of detailed project planning and control, good communication and documentation and the use of appropriate tools in order to provide a quality product.

Learning outcome 2: Understand the distinction between software engineering and programming, and thus the distinction between a software configuration and a program.

Learning outcome 3: Understand the methods and techniques involved in designing, implementing and maintaining an information system, in particular using an object-oriented approach.

Learning outcome 4: Understand how unit tests are used during software development to assist in agile programming techniques such as refactoring and demonstrate skills in designing Unit tests.

Learning outcome 5: Work together in small teams to complete a fully documented, detailed design and implementation of a small business information system.

Learning outcome 6: Demonstrate skills in designing and implementing an information system.

Assessment Details -

You are required to logically extend the functionality of the Maze Game introduced during lectures, via the modification of the code base as well as documentation and implementation of various user stories. You will use the Boost methodology discussed during lectures, which requires the use of pair programming. All documentation, other than the customized game map, must be completed individually.

The codebase provided for this assignment has already implemented the "warm-up" and some "sets". You will be implementing numerous other "sets" for this assignment using the Boost methodology. The "warm down" stage is not required.

You are free to take ideas discussed during lectures and implement these in your own version of the codebase provided in Moodle for this assignment.

This assignment will be marked according to the functionality of your code, in addition to the elegance and extensibility of your design and the quality of your documentation.

Note: It is recommended that you spend some time familiarizing yourself with the provided code base prior to beginning any work on this assignment. You should start by spending some time exploring the structure of the code to gain an understanding of the roles each class plays within the system and then complete Lab 7-8.

Assignment Requirements -

In Pairs:

1. Design and implement a custom environment for your maze game. This requires producing your own unique hand-drawn map of the maze game environment and changing the HardCodedData file to reflect the locations and items on your map. At least M (M>=4) locations, including exactly N (N>=3) shops with a condition M>N, must be included, as well as enough items to allow for proper testing of the game functionality. For example, there must be sufficient items to verify that a player cannot collect an item if the weight restriction has been met. Note: you should not retain the original locations or items from the provided codebase in your version of the game.

2. Implement each of the following deliverables/milestones:

a. functionality as detailed in Lab 7 and Lab 8

b. commands to manage the various item management commands:

i. listItems, getItem, and dropItem, to allow the listing of all held items, collect a new item, and drop a held item.

ii. equipItem and unequipItem, to wear/wield a held item, and to stop wearing or wielding an equipped item.

iii. purchaseItem and sellItem, to buy an item from a vendor and to sell an item to a vendor.

iv. getmazestatus to show the status of the maze (i.e., the value of M and N)

Ensure that weight restrictions are not exceeded and that the context for each command is appropriate. For example, purchasing and selling of items should only occur in a shop.

c. Basic combat functions, allowing a player to attack or to be attacked by a non-player character (NPC). A player may flee combat or continue to attack until such time as one combatant loses all life points. The end result must not be hard-coded, and neither the hostile NPCs nor player may have their attributes configured in such a way that the final outcome is pre-determined. Note that combat functions should only be available when the player is in the presence of a hostile NPC, and combat may take whatever form is appropriate for your game context rather than being limited to just hits with a weapon.

d. Collectable items that, when used, restore life points to a player. The number of life points regained should be determined by the roll of 2 six-sided dice up to the player's maximum health. You can elect to allow these to be used during combat if you wish.

3. Write 3 (Three) Unit test cases for each of the methods you are developing in this assignment. You can write the test cases in any Java framework, but Junit is preferred.

4. Prepare a short Power-point presentation to demonstrate your software/program as if you are going to sell this software/program to a prospective customer. The Power-point presentation must contain the following items:

i. A demonstration of the game - how the game play works and how this was implemented.

ii. Explanation of the role of design patterns in the game, clearly identifying the functionality where design patterns have had an impact and how this has occurred.

iii. An analysis of the use of a development methodology in creating the game describing how did this assist, or make the development of the game more complicated.

This presentation will be assessed based on the clarity and accuracy of the explanations and how clearly it demonstrates an understanding of how the game was coded, the design patterns used, and the impact of using a development methodology.


1. Prepare an individual report, to be submitted as a Word document or a PDF, which includes:

a. The student number and name of each person on your team (including yourself)

b. User stories for each of the deliverables/milestones

c. Class diagrams for Lab 7 and Lab 8

d. Sequence diagrams for two (2) of the item management commands, taken from separate groupings (i.e. you will not get credit for both getItem and dropItem as they are both in group i)

e. A statement of your own personal contribution to the assignment

f. A statement of your partner's contribution to the assignment.

Do not work with your partner or any other person to complete your individual report. These must be unique and your own work.

Attachment:- Assignment File - Maze Game Analysis and Design.rar

Reference no: EM132525036

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