Implement a console application that supports simple map

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Reference no: EM132305220

1. Introduction

In this assignment, you are to implement a console application that supports simple MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure)analysis functionality. A phased implementation approach is recommended and an outline for such an approach is provided in Appendix 1. The application is to be conformant with the class diagram provided in Figure 1.

2. The Application

The raw data to be analysed is to be stored in 3 arrays. Use array initialisers to specify initial values of your choosing. The 3 arrays are to contain person identifiers (string values), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DSP). Both SBP and DSP are to be specified as int values.MAP is determined from an individual's blood pressure using the following formula:

MAP = 1.0/3.0 * SBP + 2.0/3.0 * DBP

The raw data is to be used to create objects of type Record, which are to be stored in an array of type Record. The Record class is to conform to the class shown in the UML Diagram below:


Figure 1. Class Diagram

Note that in Figure 1, the visibility of class methods and attributes are designated as + (public) and - (private). Associations are annotated with a label (for readability) and multiplicity. The multiplicity captures the number of object instances that can be involved in the association. In this case, only two values apply - 1 and *, which means many.

Whilemap is calculated as a floating point value, it is to be stored as an int value. In addition to the map attribute, Record also has a category attribute, which has values of "high", "medium" and "low". A normal mean arterial pressure is a value in the range 70 and 100 mmHg inclusive.

Category determination is to be provided as a separate (private) method called classify(). Creation of the Record array is to occur when the MAPAnalyser object is created, using a private method called loadFromTables(). This method will iterate through three separate arrays containing ids, systolic blood pressures and diastolic blood pressures, construct Record objects and add them to the data array.Populate these arrays using array initializers. In order to facilitate search, records areto be maintained in ascending order of person id. Sorting is to be done after record creation, using a private method called sortById(). This method must implement the selection sort algorithm. BothloadFromTables() and sortById() are to be invoked from the constructor for the MAPAnalyser class.

The application's View classis to execute (using a switch statement) the following command options:
1. Display the record for a specifiedperson
2. Display records for all personswith MAP values within a specified range.
3. Display the minimum, maximum and median MAP values
4. Exit the application
As it is a console application, the user will need to be prompted to enter a command and its arguments (if any). My personal preference is for a minimal interaction scheme, as shown below:
The following commands are recognised
Display this message > 0
Display a specific subject record: > 1 id
Display records for all subject records within a range > 2 map1 map2
Display statistics (minimum, maximum and median) > 3
Exit the application > 9
> 1 S01
Feel free to adopt the above scheme or if you prefer, implement a more verbose interaction scheme.

Note that

1. Each command is designated a number

2. Command 1 requires a single argument - the subject id

3. Command 2 requires 2 arguments - the lower and upper bounds of a range of MAP values.

4. I have added a "help" command (command 0)

5. The command options are displayed at the start of the application and whenever a "help" command is entered, rather than after each command.

6. Records are displayed (with no explanation of the fields) using Record.toString()

7. For a sorted list of values, if the number of values is odd, the median is the middle value. If the number of values is even, the median is the average of the two middle values.

For the commands that require arguments note that
a. For commands 1 and 2, basic error checking is expected. For command 1, an error message is to be displayed if an id does not exist. For command 2, an error message is to be displayed if a member of the range is < 0 or >200 or if the second member of a range is less than the first member.
b. For command 2, the range is inclusive of the values specified. Consequently, having both members of a range equal is valid.
c. For command 1, binary search is to be used.
d. For command 2, the results are to be stored in an array for display.The length of the array will correspond to the number of records found.

The application must conform to the class diagram in Appendix 1, although additional private members and methods are permitted.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132305220

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5/14/2019 2:32:21 AM

For Language Use and Functionality, a checklist is given, but not a detailed marks breakdown. For checklist item non-compliance, you will be penalised 0.5 – 2.5 marks, depending on the degree of non-compliance. Note that it is your responsibility to ensure that source code files are included in your submission as well as report.docx. If either are missing, the assignment will not be marked.


5/14/2019 2:32:14 AM

3 Layout and documentation Conventions (Spacing, indentation, naming) /1 Comments /3 4 Report Limitations /2 Test Plan and Test Results /6 Sub-Total /30 Penalties Does not compile: up to 30 marks Partial implementation: up to 30 marks Late submission : 5% (1.5 mark) / day or part of a day Total /30


5/14/2019 2:32:04 AM

4. Marking Criteria Criteria Marks Allocated 1 Functionality /10 Command loop Sorting Searching Statistics (maximum, minimum, median) Conformance to class diagram 2 Language use /8 Variable declarations Class definition/object creation Loop control Selection statement use Method definition and use Reading input Display of results Unnecessary/very inefficient code


5/14/2019 2:31:56 AM

You are to submit two separate files: 1. Your zipped NetBeans project folder. Details of how to do this are available in the NetBeans FAQ on the unit website. 2. Report.docx. This file is to contain the following Sections: a. Limitations b. Test plan c. Test results Student name, student ID number, unit name andunit code are to be included on the title page. The limitations section is to specify any limitations that your program has in terms of calculations and data validation. The test plan is to contain a comprehensive list of program functionality to be tested, the input values to be used to test each item of functionality, the expected output from the test and the actual output from the test. The test results section is to contain screenshots to demonstrate that the program generates the actual outputs shown in the test plan.

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