Implement a battleship game in python

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM131072212


Assignment Summary: Battleship is a children's game where players guess (x,y) coordinate positions of the opposing player's ship pieces in a 10x10 grid. For the official Hasbro rules and additional game context, read . You will implement a version of this game in Python.

It is highly recommended that you read the entire assignment first to get an idea of what the end-goals are, which will help in designing your code.

This assignment is divided into five required stages and optional sixth stage. Each succeeding stage is built upon what you have already written for the previous stage. We expect you to design, write, and test this program according to these stages-first get the first-stage program working, then modify it to satisfy the second stage, and so on. As always, be sure to keep a copy of each completed stage. That way, if you decide you've gotten off on the wrong track for a stage, you can start again easily from the end of the previous stage, without the painstaking task of removing each addition. You should make sure that each stage is entirely correct and working perfectly before you go on to the next. As you complete each stage, you should demonstrate briefly to your TA or tutor that it works correctly before you go on to the following stage.

Development by stages is good software engineering practice. It is far better to have a program that is correct but incomplete (i.e., it doesn't implement all the features but what it does implement is correct) than one that contains bugs. Grading for this assignment will reflect this, too; it will hurt your score much more to turn in buggy code than not to reach some of the later stages. Let's say that again: Your score will be higher if you do the first few stages correctly than if you do all of them with bugs in them.

Tips and Advice

• Take time to draw out and design your code! Don't start coding immediately until you know the overall organization and structure of the components you want to implement. This will significantly help you during implementation.

• Get started early! There are a lot of parts to this lab and additions to make for each stage. You will need ample time to complete this assignment and will most likely require you to get started early (including finding a partner on Monday and utilizing all lab sections).

• Save multiple versions of your project! Since each stage builds upon each other, you may make changes that can break your current functionality. In the worst-case scenario, you made modifications in your file, broke the code, and now nothing works. By saving several versions of your progress, you can always start from a later point rather than trying to start all over.

• Create game.txt versions (or be sure to save versions for specific scenarios) that allow you to test various cases. For example, if you're working on confirming the functionality for the end-of-game (printing stats, checking logic, etc.), it will be extremely annoying to replay an entire game just to get to that point. Imagine trying to debug an edge case at the end of the game and having to start a new game, hit all player ships just to reproduce the condition, realize the bug is still not fixed, and then replaying the game again... it will be wise to play with the game once, load a game.txt file as discussed in Stage III that has a near-complete game, and then testing the end-game conditions.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131072212

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