Implement a base class person

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13842162

Part A

· Consider the following classes B and D:

Class B




B( int n);




cout << "B::B()\n";


B::B(int n)


cout << "B::B(" << n << ")\n";


Class D : Public B




D( int n);


B b;




cout << "D::D()\n";


D::D(int n) : B(n)


b = B(-n);

cout << "D::D("<< n <<")\n";


What does the following program print?

int main()


D d(3);

return 0;


· Determine the answer by hand, not by compiling and running the program.


Part B

· Implement a base class person. Derive classes Student and Professor from Person. Every Person has will have a name, and birthdate. Every student will have a major, and every professor will have an income. Write the class definitions, the constructors, and the member functions print() for all classes.

Reference no: EM13842162

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